The Limited Times

Opinion The day after the battle Israel today

3/7/2023, 7:42:56 AM

What will education look like when the weakness takes over the schools? • How will the leftist feel the day after the reform? • What dawn will dawn on a right-wing couple from the periphery when they come to conquer Tel Aviv? • And what will a secular broadcaster do when the Dossians take over the media? • On the occasion of Purim, the opinion section presents you with the local version of "Vanafucho"

I woke up this morning with a wonderful feeling:

Last night the last of the leftists left the country, got on a plane and went to teach in Berkeley, where there are enough anti-Semites who are happy to accept Israeli immigrants.

On the Twitter account of my friend, Ami Ben Roda, a picture was published of Obama, the leader of the anarchist struggle, receiving him at the airport.

In the comments I wrote "May the bastard stay there" and a few more Deep State curses, only in the end it turned out that it was not Obama but an Uber driver from Trinidad.

I didn't delete.

Years of organized campaigning came to an end.

Years of "fly to Gaza" and "return to Europe" and "the protesters are descendants of the Gestapo" have borne fruit.

In the end the message got through, and they left.

We made it clear to them the good-good message: whoever does not love his country, let him fly away from here.

All the puffed-up arrogant people who think they are better than us because they bombed the reactor in Iraq and let them give speeches in front of people, all this wretched "reserve protest", all the "medical teams", all the high-techists - we managed to fly all the terrorists out of here.

That's it, the anarchy is over!

As soon as I saw him checking in, I called my wife and told her: We are moving to Tel Aviv.

This has been our dream for years - to live in the center, have fun, go to plays, movies, just without all the butt jumping around.

I told her: "Our chance has arrived, Tel Aviv is finally in our hands."

I immediately made an appointment with a broker.

The truth was I was excited, I imagined us going downstairs, sitting in Rothschild and drinking coffee.

Me is waved to Ricklin, throws "What's going on?"

Linon Magal, even sitting down for a beer with Eldad Yaniv.

The trip to Tel Aviv took 22 minutes.

On the way, a Mercedes cut me off, I got nervous, and at a traffic light I opened the window and screamed "You privileged anarchist, you Ashkenazi trash".

But then I realized that the last one left yesterday and I hurt a person without privileges.

I apologized, and I got a bitter taste in my mouth.

Five minutes later I remembered that on Friday my wife's mother has a birthday, and I called to make a reservation with Haim Cohen, a fan of him since "Master Chef".

"We are closed on Friday-Saturday, the law of closing businesses on weekends passed already two months ago," said the girl on the other end of the line.

What a fool I am, how did I forget, when it happened there was a small demonstration in front of the Knesset by some of them who were still left.

And my son, what a boy he is, he told me that there was a boy who was in the class with him and he really liked him.

They left the day after, for Berlin.

The apartment broker offered me three rooms in a new project, "The Bhima Ruins".

"All the actors have left, there is no more government funding for culture, so they took down the theater. They are building a tower there."

I looked at the prices and I couldn't believe it: insanely expensive, as if we didn't kick the billionaires out of here.

"My brother, there are sanctions. Do you know how much it costs to bring ceramics from Turkey today? And there are no taxes either. But God bless, a Jewish government, full right wing."

I got into the car with a heavy feeling in my heart, I thought maybe music would help.

I turned on the radio, and boom: Shlomo Artzi and Idan Amadi, "Achim".

"For a soul at night, parking in Eilat, Zohar Argov, Eric, drive slowly," I immediately hung up.

Parking night, Aalek, it's this privilege Hanan Yuval Sher, the one who didn't want to appear in the Knesset.

Suddenly the broadcast was interrupted: an attack.

Dead, injured, I don't understand how it happened, after all we fired the legal advisor a long time ago.

The Minister of National Security immediately arrived at the scene.

What a man, love him on Tiktok.

But then something strange happened: the interviewer asked him who was to blame for the attack and he... remained silent.

There is no High Court, no leftists, no one to blame anymore.

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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