The Limited Times

Opinion The day after the equinox Israel today

3/7/2023, 7:19:12 AM

This year the end of the year ceremony will be sent as a presentation. The presentation will include changing colors and the movement of asymmetric bodies, and at the end the parents will indicate in a return mail "I received and watched the presentation"

From the circular of the Director General of the Ministry of Education that was distributed to parents during June 2023:

"The Ministry of Education team under my leadership sees the school as a protected space for our children. The educational environment will allow every child to reach their full potential in peace and with a sense of security. When I entered the Ministry of Education, I made it my goal to combat any fear of physical or mental harm to a child, without compromise and out of a deep commitment to his safety.

"I decided to leave the tension within Israeli society, which is in a deep rift and a fundamental debate, outside the school premises. A large part of Israeli citizens, Arabs and Jews alike, see the raising of the Israeli flag as a defiance and a political act. Therefore, starting in June, the state flag will not be flown in the school premises or in the ceremonies held on his behalf. I am aware of the difficult feeling that accompanies this instruction, but we will not conduct the discussion about it on the backs of the children."

In July, a petition was filed in the High Court by the parents' committee of the "Shelgim" division in Modi'in against the Ministry of Education, in which it was stated:

"Not all students have the financial ability that allows their parents to finance tutoring, and these students are consistently absent from the list of outstanding students. Even those who receive additional help, and despite a great deal of investment on their part, are in many cases absent from the list of outstanding students. For a significant number of students, this causes frustration, a loss of self-confidence and to a severe sense of inequality."

In accordance with the CEO's circular, the honors ceremonies were canceled. In another lawsuit filed two weeks later with the court, it was ruled that the cancellation of the ceremonies does not provide substantial relief to the affected students. Although the list of honorees is distributed only to the teaching staff, information and insinuations naturally seep into the public of parents and students, and the harm to disadvantaged children continues And even intensifies in many ways. The court ordered the state to reply to it within 30 days why the concept of school honors will not be abolished.

The experiential learning method was launched, and as part of it no assessments or grades were given.

After about a year, the school principals began to receive letters from parents, who said that despite the cancellation of the grades, disadvantaged students still suffer from anguish and mental stress when they approach an experiential test.

Out of understanding and wanting to protect the students, the school inspectors ordered to ban tests in the classrooms.

Recognizing the value of striving for excellence, the Ministry of Education decided to once again hold honors ceremonies, where a certificate will be given to all students in the areas of: helping others, sustainability, recycling, tolerance, protecting the flora, maintaining an enabling social space and an inclusive discussion culture.

In the lawsuit filed against the Ministry of Education, it is claimed that the holding of these ceremonies constitutes a harm to the students: "A situation where minors go up on stage to receive an award in the presence of an audience is shocking in our eyes. We must think of the short students, those who are overweight or from puberty wounds, and those whose parents do not have the financial ability to finance a monthly haircut The status in which these students go on stage in front of a large audience constitutes an injury to the value of equality and the self-confidence of our children. Moreover, some of the students reported that the very status in which they go on stage when there is a significant male presence in the audience constitutes a sexual injury to them."

This year the end of the year ceremony will be sent as a presentation by e-mail.

The presentation will include changing colors and the movement of asymmetric bodies, and at the end the parents will indicate in a return mail "I received and watched the presentation".

were we wrong

We will fix it!

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