The Limited Times

Commuters should pay for the ban on oil heating: enraptured in the green bubble

3/13/2023, 5:06:28 PM

The commuters should be asked to pay so that the traffic light coalition can finance their projects. This policy from the green bubble is as arrogant as it is anti-social, comments Georg Anastasiadis. 

The commuters should be asked to pay so that the traffic light coalition can finance their projects.

This policy from the green bubble is as arrogant as it is anti-social, comments Georg Anastasiadis. 

One has to be grateful to the Greens for not turning their hearts into a den of murderers in the traffic light coalition's heated budget dispute.

Leading politicians made it clear in a number of interviews over the weekend what they are asking for many more billions of euros (for Habeck's ban on oil heating, for basic child security, for "humanitarian aid", i.e. refugees) - and who they should pay, among other things: the commuters.

There is applause in the villa districts, but others feel the consequences

This is a plan to divide society: Whoever wants to cut the small commuter allowance for the people in the country who drive to work early in the morning by car or train, in order to introduce a ban on oil heating that many citizens cannot afford and a derailed asylum policy finance must be far removed from the reality of life of normal people.

Not to be forgotten: The extremely lavish basic child security scheme of the Green Minister for Family Affairs Paus will set further migration incentives, with expected consequences for the already overheated housing market.

This is politics from the fairytale book of climate minister Robert Habeck, for which there is a lot of applause in the villa districts of the cities.

There are fewer overcrowded refugee accommodations there, but there are enough charging points for the Tesla in the garage - and a clear conscience for those who vote for the Greens.

Others are feeling the consequences: normal earners who have already been hit hard by inflation, those looking for a place to live, people who have fled the expensive city to the country and are now being punished for it.

FDP Finance Minister Christian Lindner is to be wished for steadfastness in defending against this arrogant and antisocial policy from the green bubble - and the SPD, after their Berlin debacle, the insight that it is their voters who are paying the highest price for it.

George Anastasiadis