The Limited Times

After "his" Oscar, Alexeï Navalny salutes "those who face the monster of dictatorship"

3/15/2023, 6:07:19 PM

The imprisoned Russian opponent dedicated his "contribution" to the Oscar for best documentary, won by a film dedicated to him, to those who oppose the war in Ukraine.

"It's not my film, I did not win the Oscar and I am not in a position to dedicate this prize to anyone"

, Alexeï Navalny first indicated, in a message sent from his prison and posted Wednesday on Twitter by his team.

“However, I dedicate my entire contribution to this film to honest and courageous people around the world who, day after day, find the strength to face the monster of dictatorship and its steadfast companion, war,” he said

. added.

Imprisoned for more than two years, the Russian opponent had been arrested on his return from Germany where he had been treated after poisoning in Siberia for which he holds the Kremlin and the Russian security services (FSB) responsible.

From his cell, he voiced his opposition to the Russian military offensive in Ukraine and called on Russians to protest.

Recently, he called on Moscow to respect the 1991 borders which include Crimea in Ukrainian territory, whereas previously he had often been accused of supporting its 2014 annexation by Russia.

The Oscar for best documentary was awarded on Sunday to the film


, an investigation by Canadian Daniel Roher which describes the political rise of the Russian opponent, his poisoning and his imprisonment.

In reaction to this award, the Kremlin accused Hollywood of "politicizing" cinema.