The Limited Times

Weather Thursday March 16: return of heat and sun in France

3/15/2023, 6:01:03 PM

Temperatures rise sharply on Thursday after a drop the day before. A peak of 25°C is even reached in Aquitaine.

This day was marked by a very sharp rise in temperatures with still light frosts in the countryside of the North-East and Center-East but an evolution of 4 to 7°C throughout France.

These values ​​worthy of the end of April or the beginning of May are particularly felt in the Pyrenees where temperatures reach 27°C.

The sky remains calm in France except in Brittany with the arrival of rain in the afternoon according to the Weather Channel *.

The weather in your area



, the sky is very overcast with a wind, clouds and rain in the afternoon.

The wind is also blowing at 50 km/h.

The minimums are between 6 and 10°C in the morning and the maximums reach 14 to 17°C during the day.

Throughout the northern, western and south-western part of France,

from New Aquitaine






Centre-Val de Loire



, the weather is mild with the presence of a few clouds that alternate with the rays of the sun.

Temperatures are warming up compared to the day before with minimums that vary from 3 to 8°C and go up to 14 to 27°C in the afternoon, from Calais to Pau.

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From the

Grand Est





, the sun is present throughout the day with a few high clouds.

In the morning, the weather is quite gray in the

Grand Est


The wind picks up during the day with gusts reaching 60-70 km/h in the afternoon.

In terms of temperatures, they fluctuate between -2 to 6°C in the morning and around 15 to 22°C in the afternoon.

In the south of France, from


to the


region and


, the sun will also be very generous with a well-covered sky, except in the plains of



In terms of temperatures, they vary in the morning from 2 to 10°C and from 15 to 21°C during the day.

*The Weather Channel is a property of the Figaro group.