The Limited Times

Wifi for prisoner drug traffickers, for $200,000 a week

3/15/2023, 10:19:01 PM

In the lack of control of the prisons, the bosses of the drug trafficker buy keys that keep them communicated by Internet.

In the Marcos Paz federal prison there is no cell phone signal or the signal is very bad.

Although there are no signal inhibitors -what a law orders since 2017 has never been complied with-, the natural conditions of its geographical location make it difficult to communicate with the outside.

The lawyers who go to see their clients have no signal.

Prosecutors leading investigation raids have no signal.

But those same prosecutors investigate the drug traffickers imprisoned there because

they order crimes, shootings, and phone attacks


Even using mobile data traffic.

The narcos do have a signal.

Those natural difficulties of the place explain why "Guille" Cantero - active leader of the

Los Monos de Rosario drug gang - had a

landline phone

in his cell in Marcos Paz

for a long time .

Thus, communications with the outside were guaranteed.

The most obsolete system was, in that prison, the most secure and infallible.

His cell was raided, but the phone reappeared a month later.

After the second search, he no longer had a landline phone, but his connections abroad

did not disappear.

If no one has a signal in Marcos Paz,

how do the drug traffickers do it?

One of the lawyers who regularly visits the prison told


that drug traffickers buy an internal Wi-Fi password by paying

200,000 pesos a week for each user


"That's why the key changes every week,"

said the source.

The price is

vox populi

inside the prison because the drug traffickers, in turn, sublet that key to other prisoners by the hour.

Not everyone accesses this benefit or any pavilion.

They have to be close to those arrested for drug trafficking and that in turn

stay close

to them, due to the scope.

The signal with a code does not reach the entire prison and, naturally, it follows the rhythm of inflation:

"This started in the fall of last year and

it cost half

," the source added.

The prosecutors who investigate the drug traffickers did not detect this circumstance in the recent raids on Marcos Paz, but they do not rule out that it is the business of one or several prison guards acting on their own.

In fact, there are calls and WhatsApp messages between the narcos that would not have been possible without some kind of Wi-Fi access.

An internal view of Unit 2 of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Marcos Paz Prison.

“It is a much more serious problem than it seems

-explains another lawyer who knows the situation-,

because the drug traffickers end up paying

in cash and in delivery mode


They take the tickets

to the house

of the guard or official who sells them the key and therefore

they know where he lives

and how his family is made up.

The agreement will continue as long as the drug traffickers want, because the compromised prison guard will no longer be able to decide for himself to interrupt the service without fearing

personal consequences


You know how to enter

these dangerous relationships  but not how to get out.

A few days ago, the court ordered the transfer of a prisoner from the Piñero prison, in Rosario, because he had accessed the Nosis

system of officials with a password


He took each one's home from there and ordered them to "squeeze" them to get what he wanted.

In Rosario, it was striking that many of the threatened prison guards

did not report

what was happening.

Maybe out of fear.

Perhaps because those who threatened them had

more information

about them that

should not come to light.

The narco reach in Rosario and the collusion with officials and security forces leads to the logic of the list of deaths in the city.

Why are there almost never police officers among the victims?


there are no confrontations


The victims are always civilians and the Police run behind and usually arrive

when everything is over.

"It is criminal that federal prisons do not have cell phone jammers

," says a prosecutor specializing in drug trafficking.

That depends on Justice Minister Martín Soria.

The latest madness of that permissiveness is the murder of a young man in Rosario only to be used as a mail corpse.

The main hypothesis of the investigation is that this action

was ordered from the Rawson federal prison

(where members of the gang that sent the message to the rivals are imprisoned) with the explicit authorization of Guille Cantero in Marcos Paz.

Without that access to free communications, the innocent victim

could be alive.

The same with the frustrated rescue of drug trafficker Alvarado in the Ezeiza prison: the operation that the security forces ultimately aborted

had been coordinated by WhatsApp.

Drug trafficking specialists still wonder why there is no

special detention regime

for drug traffickers in Argentina, as happens in Italy with mafia bosses.

The attack against the Italian anti-mafia judge Giovanni Falcone, in 1992. His car was blown up with explosives.


41 bis

of the Italian code establishes special conditions based, above all, on

the solitary confinement

of detainees.

There they are in individual cells, they go out into the courtyard one hour a day and one at a time, and they receive visits only once a month.

Questions about the harshness of the regime were settled in the Human Rights Commission of the European Parliament, which approved the regime for this type of criminal in particular.

The mafia ordered the murder of judges Falcone and Borsellino in the 90s, in Sicily.

The crimes were ordered from two jails.

"We have to do the same here, before they come for us

," an anti-drug prosecutor raised last weekend, among concerned judges who know that 400 more gendarmes in Rosario are like a band-aid to treat an exposed fracture of the tibia and fibula. .

The drawing of a boy in Rosario portrays the insecurity in his neighborhood.

The drama of this situation, which could worsen, lies in the perception of Thiago, a 7-year-old from Rosario who was asked by the teacher to draw a picture of his neighborhood.

The boy made a man with a cap and a covered face, shooting a huge yellow bullet at someone smaller, who had his arms up.

For Thiago, his neighborhood is murder.

look too

Senate: the new bloc that broke with Cristina Kirchner presses for laws against drug violence in Rosario