The Limited Times

Díaz-Canel launches an attack against the United States from the Ibero-American Summit: "He insists on destroying the revolution"

3/25/2023, 9:05:45 PM

The Cuban president condemns the embargo and Washington's refusal to exclude the island from countries that sponsor terrorism

Miguel Díaz-Canel, President of Cuba, during the Ibero-American Summit that is being held this Saturday in the Dominican Republic. Mónica González Islas

The President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, launched this Saturday at the XXVIII Ibero-American Summit in the Dominican Republic a harsh attack against the United States, the global financial system and the economic blockade.

Seeking the complicity of Latin American leaders, the president has condemned the trade embargo and has repudiated Washington's decision to keep the island on the list of countries sponsoring terrorism.

"The US government is determined to destabilize our country and destroy the Cuban revolution," said Díaz-Canel, the voice most critical of some of the Summit's proposals.

The Cuban delegation frustrated in previous meetings the most relevant initiative of the meeting, a proposal to reform the world financial market that had the purpose of facilitating access to credit, especially in Latin America.

The president called in his speech to restructure the international financial architecture, but linked this urgency to avoiding the reproduction of a scheme of "modern colonialism."

He also charged against the "bubbles of financial capitalism" and demanded the elimination of the foreign debt.

The president also took the opportunity to make clear his "solidarity with the governments of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia, subjected to constant destabilization attempts."

He agreed, however,

If the presence of Daniel Ortega was never on the table, in the hours leading up to the summit, speculation did spread about the appearance of Nicolás Maduro, who first confirmed and finally canceled his attendance —just like in Andorra two years ago or the last January at the last summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac)—, this time due to suspicions of a covid-19 contagion.

The Chilean Gabriel Boric was the only one who spoke out without half measures against the Managua regime, which shows the enormous differences between the Executives that, in the spectrum of the left, govern today in Latin America.

For his part, Colombian Gustavo Petro made a statement in defense of former Peruvian President Pedro Castillo, who has been in jail since last December after a failed self-coup attempt.

"He should be here, the blow was given to him," he emphasized.

More conciliatory, the Argentine Alberto Fernández, another of the progressive rulers of the region, opted for an appeal to the idea of ​​cohesion that flew over the entire summit: "We are all passengers in the same boat, we all have a common destiny, no one is saved only".

Before him, the president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, had also alluded to the need for the 22 Ibero-American countries to join forces.

“If we don't unite, we will have lost the opportunity to obtain some concrete benefit for our countries,” he remarked.

Díaz-Canel's attacks on the United States have reached the sports field.

The politician criticized the harassment of the Cuban baseball team that last week played the semifinal of the World Classic in Miami.

“Just for representing Cuba, our players and their families were harassed without any consideration,” he said.

“We appreciate the valuable accompaniment of Ibero-America for the valuable pronouncements rejecting the blockade and their demands for the exclusion of Cuba from the arbitrary list of State sponsors of terrorism.

Faced with the empire's attempts to recolonize us and impose a unique culture and models on us, the region unites, under the leadership of Celac”, he continued.

Cuba celebrates this Sunday parliamentary elections whose only unknown will be the abstention rates.

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