The Limited Times

Tension in Mar del Plata due to the occupation of a field facing the sea by the organization of Juan Grabois

3/25/2023, 6:47:42 PM

The movement says that the government gave them that 140-hectare piece of land legally. The mayor of Montenegro opposes it and his environment says that he will go to court.

Who has never dreamed of owning a beachfront property?

It does not seem so simple, but for a group of militants the dream of so many, it seems, can become a reality.

For now,

they have already taken possession of a 140-hectare field in El Marquesado

, between Mar del Plata (Chapadmalal) and Miramar.

They are people from the MTE, the movement headed by

Juan Grabois

, and the

neighbors are up in arms.

There are moments of tension in the place.

Mayor Guillermo Montenegro (JxC) has already announced his rejection and said he

will go to court


And even Mauricio Macri tweeted repudiating the "usurpation of land."

On the morning of this Saturday, some sixty people, some identified with bibs of the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE) entered a field located at kilometer 569 of interbalnearia route 11 and padlocked the gate



Police arrived to avoid confrontations

between neighbors and militants, among whom is -explained the neighbors- the lawyer

Gabriela Carpineti,

national director of Promotion and Strengthening for Access to Justice of the Ministry of Justice.


tried to speak with Juan Grabois, for the moment without success.  

"They want to do

a social project in front of a public beach

, in a place where nothing grows,"

Marcelo Bolonio, one of the residents outraged by the situation, explained to

Clarín .

"All of us who chose the southern neighborhoods came to seek tranquility,

we don't want a Suburb

where crime, drugs and everything that this entails begins," he said.

El Marquesado is between Chapadmalal (Mar del Plata) and Miramar.

The residents had warned the mayor of the General Pueyrredón Municipality, which Montenegro commands, about what could happen, since they

had held a meeting at the development society

of the El Marquesado neighborhood and forest reserve, in which they They reported what kind of project they plan to develop.

"People from the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE), an organization whose reference is the leader Juan Grabois, held a meeting with around 15 residents of different neighborhoods in the area to notify them about the project they want to develop in that area, more precisely in

about two kilometers from the coastal sector where there is currently nothing and there would be no infrastructure for any development

," the residents said.

At that meeting, they said, were María Inés Cusan, in charge of the project;

Maximiliano Álvarez, MTE lawyer, and agronomist Roberto Cittadini.

"They informed us that they want to carry out the

soil study

to create community orchards without pesticides, dairy farms, houses, a school and first aid rooms, all in

the 140 hectares of the field that is located in front of the Escondida beach."

They were told that there would be

about a hundred families

that would work in the fields, people who already work in Batán and in Sierra de los Padres.

The fear of the neighborhood is that the area "will become conurbanized."

About two hundred families

live in El Marquesado during the year .

The explanation given by the members of the MTE is that

the lands were ceded by the Agency for the Administration of State Assets

(AABE), a decentralized body that works within the scope of the Headquarters of the Nation's Cabinet, in order to give impetus to a project of sustainable agroecological production.

This Saturday, the mayor of Montenegro spread images of the shot on his social networks.

"What is happening in the El Marquesado area is

extremely serious

. Because while the people of Mar del Plata work every day with effort to progress and make the city grow, others propose giving away land, for partisan political purposes, doing things the wrong way it is due and in a

totally illegitimate

way ," he said.

He said that he is in contact with the neighbors, "working with the Security and Justice Forces

to stop these actions

that we do not endorse in any way."

The deputy of Juntos, and candidate for governor of the Province, Diego Santilli, who supported the mayor, also questioned the situation.

"The Government gives national land to its friends as if they were candy. As always, they do not care what the residents of the place live. What is happening in El Marquesado is worrying. All my support for @gmontenegro_ok," he wrote on the networks social. 

Sources from the mayor's office told


that they will make judicial presentations to prevent the land in question from being taken.

Mar del Plata (correspondent)


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