The Limited Times

Newborn dead after circumcision, two women arrested

3/27/2023, 2:36:18 PM

The carabinieri arrested two women as part of the investigation into the death of a newborn, near Rome, due to a circumcision at home. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, MARCH 27 - The carabinieri have arrested two women as part of the investigation into the death of a newborn, near Rome, due to a circumcision at home.

The two women, of Nigerian origin, are accused of aggravated manslaughter and abusive exercise of a profession.

Even the mother of the child is being investigated in a state of freedom, suspected of complicity in manslaughter.

    The investigations by the carabinieri, coordinated by the Prosecutor of the Republic of Velletri, made it possible to collect serious clues about the involvement of the two women: the mother of the newborn would have asked one of hers to contact her friend to perform the circumcision of her son at her own home of Montecompatri.

    On the morning of 24 March last, the desperate mother, seeing the state the child was in, called 112 and asked for help from a Carabinieri patrol at the Colonna station: the ambulance escorted by the Carabinieri to the hospital was useless.

The mobile phones of the two women and the mother of the newborn were seized and, at the home of one of the two stops, the sum of 4,240 euros, deemed to be proceeds of the abusive exercise of the profession, numerous syringes and various medicines.

The women are held in the Rebibbia prison awaiting validation.


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