The Limited Times

Electric scooters: the minimum age of use will be raised from 12 to 14 years old

3/28/2023, 8:18:45 PM

The Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, presented at 20 minutes the main lines of his national action plan for the regulation of electric scooters.

Minimum age raised, fines multiplied by


, creation of a "micro-mobility" observatory...

national action for the regulation of electric scooters which he will present this Wednesday to operators, elected officials and associations of victims and road safety.

Among the most important measures, the Minister has announced that

“the minimum age for using an electric scooter on public roads will be raised from 12 years minimum to 14 years”

in order to

“protect young people”.

Fines quadrupled

Users who are two on a machine will also be severely punished since the fines for this behavior will increase from 35 to 135 euros.

"We know that in one out of five accidents, the users were two on the machine, it is important to make it understood that it is not a toy"

, insists Clément Beaune.

However, the government has decided, for the time being, not to impose the wearing of helmets:

"like any obligation, one should be able to have it accepted, to have it respected and to have it sanctioned, but we can see to what extent it is difficult for millions of users”.

It is still

"highly recommended".

As for the operators, they will be forced to sign a charter

"which will commit them to improving the safety of all users but also the guarantee of an environmentally friendly service with work on the life of the batteries. of a minimum of five years, as imposed by the city of Lyon for example, and compulsory recycling in France”,

continues the Minister


A national observatory of "micro-mobilities" will also be created in order to

"produce objective knowledge on the use of electric scooters in France".


of "members from all sides, political, associative and professional"

, it should make it possible to have

"figures on accidentology"


“know the causes”

, but also

“the environmental benefits”.

Read alsoScooter sales will go upmarket in 2022

Announced on March 5, this plan will be presented just a few days before the vote scheduled for Sunday in Paris to determine whether or not to ban electric scooters in the capital.

A coincidence ?

In any case, this is what the minister maintains:

“I launched this work several months ago, last autumn, well before the announcement of this vote.

Things have accelerated in recent weeks, also at the request of families and parliamentarians”.

Clément Beaune, however, does not prevent himself from tackling the town hall of Paris and says he

"regrets the caricature"

of the debate.

"This vote, the first in nine years, leaves little mystery about its outcome since the city has already said it wants the ban,

I find it unfortunate that we discard the option chosen by many cities, which is

: “for, but with more rules”.

It is not proposed in this binary referendum!”