The Limited Times

Now for Kirchnerism Macri is an example to follow

3/28/2023, 11:06:47 PM

The PRO was synonymous with evil for the ruling party, but after announcing that he was leaving, several came out to ask that Alberto Fernández and Cristina imitate him.

Since the government resumed, this time with Alberto Fernández in La Rosada, three long years ago, Kirchnerism

cataloged Mauricio Macri as a synonym of evil


The former president was, for the ruling party, guilty of the greatest calamities in the country.

His only period had been enough to cause much deeper damage than the 24 years that Peronism had ruled since the return of democracy.

The ubiquitous “Ah, but Macri”.

On Sunday, on the other hand, the different internal pro-government lines began to fight Macri over the head,

but now as an example

: each sector pointed out to the other how good it would be if their respective leaders resigned from any candidacy in the next elections.

The founder of PRO must have smiled at the paradox.

The group closest to Fernández immediately revealed

that Cristina should imitate her archenemy


"The electoral discussion runs to the center, the extremes have the necessary strength to condition, but not to lead," they analyzed from Santo Domingo, in a clear hint to the Vice President and La Cámpora.

The K group, for its part, joined the Instituto Patria to return courtesies and maintained how beneficial it would be for them if the President replicated his predecessor.

"They have many things in common:

they don't measure and they make noise in their respective spaces

," they explained in an off, that journalistic practice so reviled but so exercised by the entire ruling party.

Both sides agreed on something: they lowered the price of Macri's resignation with the argument that the PRO did it because he knew that

the numbers were not enough to win the elections


Curiously, this is a flaw shared by both Alberto and Cristina.

It would be homeric for Fernández to overcome a management of results as poor as the percentages he reaps in the polls.

To the Vice, whose presidencies seem somewhat distant in the midst of the Argentine vertigo, the ceiling is also marked by his personal misadventures.

For example, he sentences her to six years for corruption and

the 124 minimum pensions that he charges each month without flinching

, which earned him a fair comparison of ANSeS itself with Isabel Perón.

In the game of mirrors that at times turns out to be that of the two great Creole electoral coalitions, Macri's move has the advantage of

having a place to look at himself in Kirchnerism

to avoid repeating mistakes.

He himself pointed out the danger in the video in which he announced his decision to step down: "We will never have

a puppet as president

again ," he said.

It was a blow to Fernández, but at the same time he spoke of the risk that a hypothetical next government of Together for Change could suffer:

that Macri would end up becoming what Cristina is

for the current government, marking and muddying the field for the president in office.

In the report he gave to Clarín on Monday, Macri elaborated on this delicate balance that he must manage if his party wins the elections.

“I am going to do the same thing that I have been doing in recent years, which is to

comment on the direction of Argentina

, help bring clarity to Argentines about ideas, strengthen the future president.

If I ran from this place, it is because I want there to be a president and for everyone to understand that he is going to be a great president, ”he replied about what his role would be.

It is difficult for every boss to become a director.

In general, leaders get to that position in part because they are

convinced that no one will do it better than they can


Macri, for now, announces that he is not going to bite his tongue.

It will be key for his eventual successor to know when he will listen to him.

And also, especially, knowing when to shut him up.

look too

That Macri's resignation does not cover the forest of papers K here and in the world

Mauricio Macri got into the closure in the Province and made a special request for the 22 PRO municipalities