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The professor who tries his whole life to invent a time machine to meet his late father is very close to the end - voila! news

3/28/2023, 9:12:51 PM

Professor Ronald Mallett has been working all his life on a time machine that will bring him back to the days when his father was alive - and it seems he has made a breakthrough: "I know how to make it happen"

Physicist Ron Mallett built a time machine?

(Varun God Never Die)

You won't have to get yourself a DeLorean from the movie "Back to the Future" to travel through time - but you might have to get something similar: Professor Ronald Mallett believes he has the formula for time travel - even if the chances of him making it work in his lifetime tend to zero.

The researcher believes he has finally cracked the code that will allow time travel after a discovery he made when he was hospitalized.

Ronald Mallett, an astrophysicist who devoted much of his adult life to the assumption that time travel is possible, invented the equations and scientific principles according to which he says it would be possible to create a real, functioning time machine.

Although he recognized that his theories and designs would likely not allow for time travel in his lifetime, for years he has been working on his ambitious project - alongside a distinguished academic career - to fulfill his dream of going back in time and seeing his late father again.

He believes he has the tools to build a time machine that can "warp the fabric of the space-time continuum" with "a ring of rotating lasers that create a loop in time."

"We can move forward and backward in time, just like we can move through space"

The professor claims that the sudden death of his father and Herbert George Wells' book, "The Time Machine", inspired a lifetime of research.

He was 10 years old when his father died of a heart attack, an event that changed the course of his life forever.

His father, a television technician, educated his son to read books and encouraged his developing passion for science.

About a year after his father's death, Mallet Hubble came across an illustrated version of the classic bionic science novel, The Time Machine and was drawn into it: "The book changed my life," he says, "It's the first paragraph that changed my life. I still remember the quote 'Scientists know best That time is just a kind of space and we can move forward and backward in time, just like we can move in space.''

He conducted research in secret for years and when he was in hospital after recovering from a heart condition, he had a moment of clarity.

Speaking to the Guardian, he said: "It turns out that spinning blackheads can create a gravitational field that could lead to the creation of time loops that could allow us to go back in time. Let's say you have a cup of coffee in front of you. Start stirring the coffee with the spoon. It started to spin, right? It What makes a black hole spin. In Einstein's theory, space and time are related to each other. That's why it's called space-time. So when the black hole spins, it will actually cause time to shift."

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was found that time travel is possible - but you won't be able to travel

Ronald dreams of building a laser ring that can create an "intense and continuous rotating beam of light" that will be able to "create gravity".

Unfortunately, he said he would need "galactic types of energy" and didn't know how big this "time machine" would have to be to make it work.

He is also not sure when or if it will be done, but added: "I understood how it can be done. Theoretically it is possible."

60 years later, 74-year-old Mallett is a professor of physics at the University of Connecticut.

He spent his career studying black holes and general relativity - the theories of space, time and gravity studied by Albert Einstein.

Mallet was mainly concerned with time travel and the need to build a machine that would take us there.

He is still far from his destination - some would argue that he will never get there - but his life's journey has created a moving story about the power of love, the power of childhood dreams and the human desire to control destiny.

He created a prototype illustrating how lasers could be used to create a periodic beam of light that rotates space and time - inspired by his first work experimenting with the effect of lasers on aircraft jet engines.

"It turned out that my understanding of lasers ultimately helped me in my breakthrough," Mallett says, "by studying the type of gravitational field created by a laser ring, it could lead to a new look at the possibility of a time machine based on periodic light beams."

Malt also has a theoretical equation that he claims proves it will work.

"Eventually a rotating beam of laser lights can be used as a kind of time machine and cause a time warp that will allow us to go back to the past," he says.

But there's a pretty big problem with his theory: "You can send information back, but you can only send it back to the point where you started operating the device," Mallett says.

While his desire to return to the 1950s is nowhere near a reality, he remains optimistic and continues to ponder the possibilities before him in the last few years he has left to live.

Time travel - moving between two points in time - is a popular theme in science fiction from the end of the 19th century to the present day.

In many books, movies and TV series we have seen how humans get into some kind of machine, travel to the past or the future and accumulate adventures.

The reality, unfortunately, is a little more confused.

Not all scientists believe that time travel is possible at all.

Some are even sure that any attempt to travel through time will be fatal, but there are those who claim that not only is it possible, but it has already happened.

In order to start discussing the question of the possibility of time travel, we must first define what time is.

While most people think of time as constant, Albert Einstein showed that time is an illusion, it is relative - and can change for different people depending on their speed in space.

Einstein's theory of special relativity says that time slows down or speeds up - depending on how fast you are moving relative to something else.

For Einstein, time is the "fourth dimension".

The space is described as a three-dimensional arena, which provides the passenger with coordinates - such as length, width and height - that determine their location.

Time provides him with additional coordinates - direction - although conventionally, he only moves forward.

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity actually allows the existence of time travel.

A person moving at a high speed, close to the speed of light, will move forward in time, meaning the time on his watch will advance more slowly.

This means that when he returns to Earth and meets his friends, he will find that they have aged more than him.

What is time anyway? (Photo: Giphy)

Today there is almost an overwhelming agreement among scientists that time travel to the past is not possible - there are quite a few theoretical problems that have not been solved yet.

However, from a scientific point of view, there are theories that show that movement along the timeline is absolutely possible.

But even if such a movement becomes possible, it is likely that it will be towards the future and not the past.

Physicist Michio Kaku wrote in his book "The Physics of the Impossible": "A time machine that can take us into the future fulfills the laws of Einstein's theory of special relativity. But what about traveling back in time? If we could go back to the past, it would not be possible to write history .Once the historians write the history of the past, someone will be able to go back in time and change the events. Not only will the time machines make the historians unemployed, they will also allow us to change the course of time at will.

"For example, if we were to go back to the age of the dinosaurs and accidentally step on a mammal that happened to be our ancestor, we might have accidentally wiped out the entire human race," he writes, "History would become an endless impulsive parody, with tourists from the future trampling over historical events in an attempt to find the best angle for the camera."

In fact he describes what is known as the "Grandfather Paradox" - a paradox of time travel according to which, if a person travels to the past then theoretically he could kill one of his ancestors and then he could not be born

So you can't travel to the past.

What about the future?

Professor Brian Green, a physicist and mathematician from Columbia University who founded the World Science Festival, explained that "traveling forward in time is already possible: Einstein already explained to us a hundred years ago how it can be done. He showed that for a person traveling at a speed close to the speed of light, time will pass during the flight His is significantly slower than the time that will pass outside. Therefore, in such a reality when that person finishes the flight and returns to Earth - he will arrive in the future. That is, the time that will pass outside will be much faster than the time he will pass on the journey, and it will be in the distant future.

"Similarly, if a person were to place himself near a black hole or a neutron star, his time would pass very slowly. If the person left this point and returned to Earth, he would already be in the future. This simple scientific truth is agreed upon by the entire world of physics and most of us have heard of it at one time or another. But people They still don't understand that it's actually about time travel."

What is the connection between black holes and movement in time?

Einstein stated in the theory of general relativity that a strong gravitational field would cause time to slow down.

This means that if astronauts manage to get away from a black hole, after circling it at the edge of the "event horizon" at the rim of the black hole, they will find that their short journey, a journey of a few days, took hundreds of years in the ordinary world.

Albert Einstein (Photo: Government Press Office)

None of the physical theories (worm holes, black holes, or light-speed flight), on which the proposals for building a time machine are based, have yet been implemented, and it is possible that there are theoretical or practical obstacles in the way of implementing the theories, which were not taken into account, so that time travel is not will ever be possible.

This position was also supported by the well-known physicist Stephen Hawking who put forward the hypothesis that the universe protects itself from paradoxes, and therefore the laws of physics are such that we will never succeed in building a time machine (he called this hypothesis "the defense of chronology").

Hawking even claimed that if time travel were possible, we would be flooded with visitors from the future, and since we do not receive such visits, it can be concluded that a time machine will never be built.

Later in his life, he changed his position, and admitted that he avoided talking about time travel, which was seen among his fellow scientists as 'heresy': "I was afraid they would label me crazy, but these days I'm not as careful as I used to be" he said and claimed that there is a possibility of time travel, but Only for the future.

He also estimated that in order to move in time to the future we will probably need giant spaceships that will be able to reach almost the speed of light, or we will be able to find a way to move in time through a wormhole - an assumed physical phenomenon that allows a direct transition between two distant points in space-time.

That is, a transition between two points in the 3D universe and even time travel.

Hawking estimated that if we fly in spaceships to travel in time, they will succeed only after a few years to reach a speed that would allow time travel.

Every hour on the spacecraft will then last two hours on Earth.

Only 6 years later, when the spaceship reaches a speed of 99% of the speed of light - every day on the spaceship, you will spend a whole year on Earth.

So are there or are there no time travelers among us?

Hawking tried to check

In 2009, Hawking threw a party - and no one came.

The reason?

It was a party meant only for time travelers.


what you heard

He sat in his elaborate wheelchair, under a sign that read "Welcome, Time Travelers", with refreshments and drinks ready for them.

He defined the event as an experiment on the possibility of time travel.

He published the invitations to the party only after the party was over, in a documentary he made.

Hawking hoped that time travelers would not be able to pass up the opportunity to drink champagne with him and according to his theory - only people from the future could come to the party

after his death. His family invited time travelers to a memorial ceremony, celebrating the scientist's life.

Even then no one came.


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