The Limited Times

The campaign "Without women we don't talk about it" starts from Perugia

3/30/2023, 4:20:46 PM

Signed in Perugia the memorandum of understanding that kicks off the "No Women No Panel" campaign to promote gender balance in panels and public events. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - PERUGIA, MARCH 30 - The memorandum of understanding that kicks off the "No Women No Panel - Senzadonne non se ne parla" campaign to promote gender balance in panels and public events has been signed in Perugia.

The ceremony was held in the Hall of Honor between Rai, promoter of the campaign, the University of Perugia, the Umbria Region, the Municipalities and Provinces of Perugia and Terni.

    The agreement was signed by the president of Rai, Marinella Soldi, the vice president of the Region Roberto Morroni, with the governor Donatella Tesei connected by videoconference, the rector of the University, Maurizio Oliviero, the mayor of Perugia, Andrea Romizi, the presidents of the Provinces of Perugia ,Stefania Proietti, and Terni, Laura Pernazza and the municipal councilor of Terni Cristiano Ceccotti.

    The meeting was moderated by Rai Tgr Umbria editor-in-chief Luca Ginetto.

    "Without women there is no talking about it is a slogan but in fact a very serious thing" underlined Marinella Soldi on the sidelines of the initiative.

"A rather extraordinary event - he added - because it is the first time that we have the Region, the Provinces and the Municipalities together to sign the protocol. The protocol simply requires that in any event in the territory the female gender is also represented. We are not talking about quotas but about merit and for an evolved society it seems to me really the minimum, we are in 2023".

    The president then recalled that the board of directors of Rai approved a policy in July last year and for the first time in history and in the meantime a measurement of attendance was implemented.

"And I'm talking about experts - she underlined - because it's not that women aren't in the media but research shows that most of the time they are asked to talk about personal issues, not skills and this is not a good message for the new generations. It is therefore necessary to create role models to help young people as well. It is a question of broadening our gaze. What we are trying to promote - concluded Soldi - is merit and competence".


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