The Limited Times

Guarantor, 'too many inmates under 41 bis, via unnecessarily harsh measures'

4/3/2023, 4:03:26 PM

There are too many detainees under the 41 bis and above all all those executive measures that do not serve to sever ties with the criminal organizations to which they belong and are therefore unnecessarily severe must be swept away. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, 03 APR - There are too many prisoners in the 41 bis and above all all those executive measures that do not serve to sever ties with the criminal organizations to which they belong and are therefore unnecessarily severe must be swept away.

This is the message that comes from the Guarantor of persons deprived of their liberty, who has produced a new report on the 41 bis, after having visited the 60 dedicated sections of 12 prisons (the main one in L'Aquila with 150 prisoners).

Visits that brought out "critical issues" with respect to the re-educational function of the sentence.

    "A system that cuts off links with criminal organizations is a must. But the individual measures with which 41 bis is implemented sometimes do not correspond at all to this ratio and are only measures of toughness to respond to a desire of public opinion", explains MauroPalma who, illustrating the report in a press conference, also takes the opportunity to launch a double appeal on the case of Alfredo Cospito, the only anarchist at 41 bis (the other inmates are bosses and associates of organized crime with the exception of 3 members of the Red Brigades).

She asks him to go back to eating, also because following his protest these issues have returned to discussion.

To politics, however, of "

    In all there are 740 people, including 12 women, subjected to the special prison regime of 41 bis.

A figure that has remained more or less unchanged over the last decade.

Many elderly people (234 are between 60 and 69 years old and 87 are over 70 years old).

   The majority (613) have a definitive sentence, but 121 are exclusively on a pre-trial basis and 6 are interned on a secure basis.

Just over 200 are sentenced to life imprisonment, 250 instead to temporary sentences.