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MontanaBlack: Kai Pflaume criticizes the streamer – "made for thick pants"

4/3/2023, 4:14:59 PM

MontanaBlack made a huge appearance at Gamescom 2022. He receives harsh criticism from Kai Pflaume - but he doesn't take it to heart.

MontanaBlack made a huge appearance at Gamescom 2022.

He receives harsh criticism from Kai Pflaume - but he doesn't take it to heart.

LONDON, ENGLAND - Images of Gamescom 2022 covered the media as MontanaBlack pulled a gigantic crowd behind them.

The streamer was in London with Kai Pflaume for a YouTube interview when the TV presenter criticized the historic appearance.

MontanaBlack is unreasonable and will visit the exhibition halls in Cologne again this year. 

Full name

Marcel Thomas Andreas Eris

Known as



March 02, 1988

Place of birth


Subscribers on YouTube

2,900,000 (as of March 2023)

Followers on Twitch

4,900,000 (as of March 2023)

Criticism of MontanaBlack's Gamescom appearance – Kai Pflaume says: "That wasn't necessary at all"

What happened?

Anyone who follows the antics of the Twitch streamer will be familiar with the images from MontanaBlack's Gamescom appearance.

Kai Pflaume also had to turn up his nose at the spectacle, because in an interview for his channel "Ehrenpflaume" the former TV presenter criticized the streamer appearance.

Pflaume cautiously approaches the “

difficult topic

”: “

Do you really want to know what I thought about the performance?


"Wasn't necessary to do Larry like that"

Kai Pflaume on MontanaBlack's performance at Gamescom 2022

The criticism:

For Kai Pflaume it is clear that MontanaBlack played too much.

For Kai Pflaume, announcing his presence on Twitch and then showing up with a good handful of security personnel “

conveyed the image that you were playing big pants


For the TV presenter and friend of the streamer, the Gamescom escapade was a "

throwback to the old days


We have integrated the YouTube video with the Gamescom criticism at this point.


[You] no longer need to be celebrated like this

," criticizes Kai Pflaume.

However, MontanaBlack denies any guilt.


I never thought it would escalate like that

," complains the Twitch streamer and says it was at the Cologne games fair every year.

During the global pandemic of 2021 and 2020, Gamescom did not take place and MontanaBlack admits not having been there in 2019.

It had been three years since his last appearance.

MontanaBlack has opened up about his ex-girlfriend's "coup de grace" while he was in London with Kai Pflaume.

MontanaBlack's hype in comparison

At Gamescom 2022, a gigantic crowd of people formed behind MontanaBlack, who are said to have treated other trade fair visitors ruthlessly.

At the time of its appearance - in August 2022 - the streamer had almost 38,000 average viewers on Twitch.

During his last appearance in 2018, the numbers looked different.

With an average of 19,005 viewers, his fan base seems to have been only half that size.

Kai Pflaume doesn't get anywhere with MontanaBlack - Streamer wants to go back to Gamescom

MontanaBlack goes again:


Are you going again this year?

' Kai Pflaume asks the stubborn Twitch streamer.

With a smirk and a nod, MontanaBlack says, "



The 35-year-old wants to appear "

like last year

" at Gamescom 2023 in August.


Kai Pflaume criticizes MontanaBlack's ruthlessness – streamer still wants to do it again 

© Imago/Twitch: MontanaBlack (Montage)


Nothing happened

", says MontanaBlack, although in 2022 a number of those present complained about the recklessness of his fans.


I'm only human after all.

I want to go to Gamescom

,” laments the multimillionaire influencer.

However, he acknowledges that the situation at Gamescom was "



Another scary situation arose in London when MontanaBlack and Kai Havertz were stalked by a crazed fan.

More preparation:


This year I'm prepared

," the Twitch streamer is certain.

With significantly more security and the experience from last year, he will work even more closely with the organizers of Gamescom 2023.

In this way, MontanaBlack wants to ensure more security for itself and others present.

It remains to be seen what his appearance at this year's game fair looks like.

List of rubrics: © Imago/Twitch: MontanaBlack (Montage)