The Limited Times

Old acquaintance provided an epic deposit – Rewe employee: “I hate people”

4/3/2023, 4:14:48 PM

A truly epic deposit voucher from Rewe has appeared on the internet. The employee could not solve all the puzzles when asked.

A truly epic deposit voucher from Rewe has appeared on the internet.

The employee could not solve all the puzzles when asked.

Cologne – A truly epic deposit voucher causes amazement on Reddit.

It was posted in 2022 by a user who says he works in a beverage store.

This cannot be checked, since the use of the platform is anonymous, but there is nothing to indicate a fake either.

Rewe customer returns deposit for 294.51 euros

The note shows that a Rewe customer has collected a whopping 294.51 euros for his deposit.

"I work in the liquor store.

I hate people," the Reddit user wrote.

His colleague took the rather blurred photo.

Apparently, she herself could hardly believe that someone would come up with such a high deposit - and he decided to show the remarkable slip of paper to the public.


The Rewe deposit voucher amounts to 294.51 euros.

© Reddit

"Oh shit..." was the prompt response.

“How long do you have to collect to get so many returnable bottles?

Assuming each bottle has a 25ct deposit, that's more than 1100 bottles, if I haven't miscalculated." The Rewe employee gave the information: "Almost 20 boxes and 8 or 9 bags of bottles."

Rewe customers are probably old friends for the workforce

When asked by, he willingly gave details – but could not solve every mystery about the deposit voucher himself.

Accordingly, he works in a drinks market in North Rhine-Westphalia and also betrayed the city, but preferred to remain anonymous and not give too many details.

The original Reddit photo shows that it is a Rewe.

The man who provided the long deposit receipt is therefore an old acquaintance among the Rewe workforce.

"The customer who handed it in is well known for handing in a large deposit, usually ~150€," explained the employee.

"We don't know if he just collects for so long or if it's from e.g.

B. his job.”

His "I hate people" was probably not meant to be taken seriously.

After all, it's his job, but: "The 'I hate people' at the moment was more related to the fact that it's always a huge job for us to take care of the empties.

One person has to be at the checkout all the time, one person has to handle the empties, something has to be done in the shop too... When so many empties come at once, it's pretty complicated when there's only two people working." Couple collected for a year - and collected an incredible amount in two stores.


Rubric list image: © Reddit