The Limited Times

"We don't give a shit": starting signal for citizens' initiative against wind turbine near Auerbach

4/5/2023, 5:32:02 PM

Sharp criticism was voiced in Auerbach on Monday evening: That's where the starting signal for the citizens' initiative against the wind turbine in the Auerbacher Holz fell. It was the first meeting.

Sharp criticism was voiced in Auerbach on Monday evening: That's where the starting signal for the citizens' initiative against the wind turbine in the Auerbacher Holz fell.

It was the first meeting.

Auerbach – An urgent appeal was sent to Wartenberg from Auerbach on Monday “that we should keep our homeland and not build the wind turbine”.

That's how Johann Zauntner put it, who promoted the citizens' initiative.

More than 40 listeners came to the first meeting in the Gasthaus Klug, including mainly citizens from the village, but also from Pesenlern, Thenn or Itzling.

And four market councils from the CSU and Free Voters: They had to listen to a lot of criticism and assured that they would take their concerns to the market council.

Above all, the council request in the context of the state elections on October 8 is already hovering.

"We don't give a shit": starting signal for citizens' initiative against wind turbine near Auerbach


This is how the windmill towers over Auerbach, at least when it comes to the photo montage by Johann Zauntner.

© Graphics: Private

"We are worried about our homeland," said Zehntner, who lives in Wartenberg himself.

He had brought along what he assured was a true-to-scale photo montage showing the planned 230 meter high wind turbine in the Auerbacher Holz.

It is within 800 meters radius of any residential development.

"I was surprised myself how big the incision is," said Zauntner about the dimensions.

Renewable energies are needed, "but it has to be reasonable," he stressed.

And according to him and his comrades-in-arms, that is not the case (see box).

Doubts about its effectiveness have been raised several times.

And will that pay off later for the citizens?

There was talk of a “highly speculative” project.

Zehntner had analyzed wind speed figures at the airport – there were none for Auerbach.

At the airport there were 43 out of 550 days when the wind was faster than six meters per second - "that's not much".

Citizens let their anger run wild

One by one, the citizens in the assembly talked their frustration off their chests.

One grumbled: "I find it impossible to put the windmill where there are springs and rare critters".

He referred to a type of crab that had already been found near the planned location.

And what happens when cement runs into water?

There was also talk of "senseless destruction" and "disfigurement" of the landscape.

And anyway, "the people back here don't give a fuck".

A citizen asked angrily: "What is then still idyllic in Auerbach?

But they can't get the internet together here."

Two citizens reported that laying a road through the forest made it more susceptible to storm and bark beetles: "If you open a forest, you can forget about it."

"The market community is bankrupt, but is investing eight million euros in the wind turbine," was one of the statements, which was greeted with loud applause.

One is not generally against a wind turbine.

But there are many more large, more suitable areas in Bavaria.

Concerns about possible health risks from infrasound or noise pollution at night were also raised.


As an expert, who of course matches the interests of the citizens' initiative,illetion presented the Munich Thomas Schürmann from the association for landscape conservation, species protection and biodiversity, VLAB.

It is a comparatively small association with around 8000 members based in the Upper Palatinate.

For classification: He was repeatedly criticized, including by organizations such as the Bund Naturschutz.

Accusation: The association wanted to prevent wind turbines in particular under the guise of nature conservation.

The fact that the VLAB only concentrates on wind turbines was contradicted by its chairman in an interview with the BR.

"We don't give a shit": starting signal for citizens' initiative against wind turbine near Auerbach

Schürmann, VLAB regional representative for Upper Bavaria, said: "We take a critical view of wind power in areas where there is little wind." The question is whether individual distribution makes sense.

He pointed out - and this was also criticized by the audience - that those affected from the neighboring communities, in this case Kirchberg and Fraunberg, were not allowed to vote on the council request.

The wind turbines "can dominate the landscape within a five or six kilometer radius," says Schürmann.

So those living in the main town of Wartenberg would also see it.

He predicted: "The costs will continue to rise if we build wind turbines in regions that are not suitable for them." The taxpayer will pay for it. "Solving the climate problem in Germany with wind will be too expensive and will fail," he said.

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One listener swung the big club: “We have to be visible, we should sign big signs, make motorcades, drive to Erding with tractors.

This is how we win the Council request.”

Bavaria: "We are only 80 people, but we chose you"

Zehntner expressed himself more diplomatically.

The goal is not to fight against something, but to work together to find a good solution.

He misses reliable figures from the municipality on the profitability of the wind turbine.

It is about giving the municipal council and the mayor food for thought.

“We are only 80 people, but we chose you.

Then they think of us," an Auerbacher appealed to the market councilors in the audience, Heike Kronseder and Franz Ganslmaier from the FWG as well as Josef Sedlmaier and Simon Grandinger (CSU).

They had to hear that the market council had voted unanimously to start the building management process.

Sedlmaier justified himself and said that with his vote he wanted to "enter knowledge determination".

He also lacked data.

"I can't say yet if I'm for it or against it," he said.

Kronseder felt the same way, as she told our newspaper the day after: The concern for my homeland "affects me too".

The FWG will take up the topic in its action group and bring it to the market council.

She also referred to the willingness to talk in the town hall.

Mayor Christian Pröbst (CSU) said after the most recent market council meeting to those affected that they could ask questions at any time.

One of the questions that concerns those concerned: could the wind turbine also be built if the Council's request was not in the interest of the initiative?

Keyword wind priority areas.

Kronseder would also like legal clarity here.

One concern that worries Sedlmaier is that investors could possibly get involved if the property owners play along.

Incidentally, there was (still?) no talk of a possible citizens' initiative on Monday.

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