The Limited Times

For the Cassation Cucinelli style is "unique"

4/5/2023, 5:13:39 PM

According to the judges, Fabiana Filippi does not harm the king of cashmere (ANSA) (ANSA) - ROME, 05 APR - The creations of Brunello Cucinelli, the king of cashmere made in Umbria, have nothing to fear, in terms of competition, from the offer on the market of much more commercial products, created by other brands fashion, who try to make him "the verse". To say it is the Cassation. For this reason, the 'stoats' rejected the appeal of Brunello Cucinelli spa against Fabiana Filipp

(ANSA) - ROME, 05 APR - The creations of Brunello Cucinelli, the king of cashmere made in Umbria, have nothing to fear, in terms of competition, from the offer on the market of much more commercial products, created by other brands fashion, who try to make him "the verse".

To say it is the Cassation.

For this reason, the 'stoats' rejected the appeal of Brunello Cucinelli spa against Fabiana Filippi spa, against which the entrepreneur contested acts of unfair competition.

    With an appeal to the Civil Court of Florence, and then to the Court of Appeal of the Tuscan capital, a section specialized in the protection of companies, Cucinelli had requested that the counterfeiting by 'Fabiana Filippi' of some garments and accessories of his production be ascertained and that they be ascertained the "acts of unfair competition also put in place by Filippi to its detriment, imitating its taste and trend, reproducing its style in the labelling, packaging and setting up of the points of sale and thus generating confusion among customers, who perceived Filippi's creations as a line economy of Cucinelli".

In rejecting Cucinelli's complaint, as also happened in the first instance, the Florentine Court noted that"

    In the opinion of the Cassation, the verdict of the Court of Appeal should also be shared, which reached the conclusion that "the quality and overall style of Brunello Cucinelli spa is not (in vain) the object of copying susceptible to confusion among customers" and saying this, the stoats in the verdict deposited by the First Civil Section', it is meant to say "that Cucinelli's creations cannot be confused as they bear an imprint, a taste, a style which make them completely unique creations".


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