The Limited Times

Heat pumps: when energy consultants expect lower prices again

4/5/2023, 6:07:46 PM

Should homeowners order a heat pump before many people do? Energy consultants are more likely to advise waiting.

Should homeowners order a heat pump before many people do?

Energy consultants are more likely to advise waiting.

Hamburg - Energy consultants expect that the delivery bottlenecks for heat pumps will ease in the medium term and prices will fall - despite the ambitious plans of the federal government.

"The market for heat pumps is currently a seller's market with sometimes high price surcharges, but now all manufacturers are getting involved," said Jürgen Leppig, national chairman of the energy consultants' association GIH,

Spiegel Online


"Therefore, in two years there will be an oversupply and prices will fall." There is also enough funding for heat pumps.

The existing subsidy for heat pumps is sufficient at up to 40 percent of the purchase price.

"Currently, the state is promoting heating more than the building envelope."

Production of heat pumps has increased sharply

According to the report, the production of heat pumps has increased significantly in Germany.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, almost 243,200 heat pumps were manufactured in the first three quarters of 2022, almost 50 percent more than a year earlier.

Due to the high demand, there are delivery problems.

Leppig sees the plans of the federal government around Economics Minister Robert Habeck to install more climate-friendly heating systems as the right step, but still makes hurdles such as a lack of personnel and competence among heating engineers.

from "Many heating contractors are fully booked for months."

"Since new residential construction has collapsed, capacities are currently being created."

Heat pumps: great need for advice

A sticking point in the plans will be funding for people with low incomes, said Leppig.

"People call and ask, what do I do with my house with poor structural fabric from 1950?" The need for advice from energy consultants is huge.

"We have never had so many inquiries," said Leppig.

There is an awful lot of uncertainty.