The Limited Times

Kicillof and a precipice that you never have to look at

4/5/2023, 11:49:46 PM

For the governor there is a link between the assassination of the bus driver and the attack on Cristina Kirchner. The danger of bringing to the scene the idea of ​​political violence.

It is important to read carefully, with his doubts and changes of meaning, what Kicillof said.

"Going to rob a bus at 4 in the morning, in a popular neighborhood, with an operation where there are more than two people, a car that crosses (...) I tell you, if it were the robbery of an armored car and it he is going to look for an immense loot... and well, it could be (...) and according to the witnesses, they kill him at point blank range without taking any action (...) but I repeat, the Justice is investigating it.

...if you ask me the fact, I think the result it had is unusual... it's very strange, and well, that's where all the questions start, because I have to say it, a few days before

Patricia Bullrich had been talking about security of the buses...

so... well... the things... I don't know, obviously you don't have to go overboard because you have to investigate thoroughly, but hey,

Milman was talking about Cristina's murder some time before

, so one also turns on the lights in the face of these issues (...) There is this, doubtful, after the attacks on Berni, the minister went to show his face, and well... what did he begin to find, first the little signs, let's say, that they had a poster that was the same as that of an act by Patricia Bullrich (...) after that, well, now more and more indications are beginning to appear... because the protagonists themselves said it, that the people who attacked the minister, did not they know (...) one does not have to venture but, well... if it has four legs, it has a tail and it barks..."

The paragraph illuminates some keys.

Kicillof wants to build an idea whose exclusive authorship belongs to Cristina Kirchner.

He intends to qualify it with references to Justice, but the intention is evident: to distance the murder from an act of insecurity and

associate it with a supposed criminal political conspiracy.

He goes further.

He links a statement by Bullrich and the subsequent murder of the driver to the alleged mention of Milman before the assassination attempt on the vice president.

One detail: Kicillof does not speak of an attempt, he says

"the murder of Cristina."

He concludes:

"You don't have to venture out, but you do have four legs, a tail, and bark..."

According to the governor, what has four legs, a tail, and barks is the idea that the murder of the 620 bus driver was for political reasons.

The message is complemented by Berni's change of position.

The hypothesis and its logic are so absurd as to invite a merciful understatement.

It would be a mistake to think so.

The crime of the bus driver is

a link in a chain that began with the interpretation of the motivations for the failed shot at the vice president

(she insists that

the drinks

did not act alone and there is financial and political support), and that draws a direct diagonal with her supposed electoral ban: Kirchnerism as a political victim and her favorite slogan:

"They want Cristina banned or dead."

Wado de Pedro said it also this Tuesday.

Who do they tell?

The improbability of the story indicates that his most convinced followers, those willing to believe everything their leader says, without contrasting it with the evidence offered by reality.

It can be seen from afar that it is

a clumsy and desperate resource for those who are beginning to say goodbye to the Government

and need to hide their failure.

But he shouldn't be underestimated for that.

Neither arguments nor perfect plans are needed to ignite the spirits of those who expect to be ignited.

The other side of the “we are victims of violence”



enabling an equal or more violent response.

A precipice that should never be seen.

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