The Limited Times

Oil instead of eco! Heating debate about the Tollwood Winter Festival - CSU speaks of "misleading the visitors"

4/5/2023, 7:49:42 PM

The Tollwood Winter Festival used 67,950 liters of heating oil. CSU City Councilor Hans Hammer speaks of "misleading visitors".

The Tollwood Winter Festival used 67,950 liters of heating oil.

CSU City Councilor Hans Hammer speaks of "misleading visitors".

Munich - How eco is the Tollwood Winter Festival really?

City councilors from the CSU and free voters had asked the city.

The answer: the festival on the Theresienwiese consumed around 67,950 liters of heating oil in winter.

The power consumption is 586 415 kilowatt hours!

Heating debate about the Tollwood Winter Festival - CSU City Councilor Hans Hammer speaks of double standards

"The Tollwood Festival describes itself as ecological and sustainable, but puts heated tents in the winter landscape in the middle of the biggest energy crisis," complains CSU City Councilor Hans Hammer.

The organizers also advertised that they would focus more on energy saving and efficiency than ever before.

“Anyone who claims something like this must also be measured against it.

The result of our query shows: The winter festival consumed almost 68,000 liters of heating oil.

That's how much 30 average single-family homes need throughout the year.” That alone is evidence of double standards.

“Then advertising that you save energy is brazenly misleading visitors.

Our question as to how large the CO2 footprint of the heating or the festival as a whole is was probably not even answered.”

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Heating debate about the Tollwood Winter Festival: Consumption of heating oil has already been reduced by a third

Tollwood spokeswoman Stefanie Kneer told our editorial team that compared to 2019, the 2022 festival used mainly air heat pumps for the first time and used almost a third less heating oil.

The tents would be heated as sparingly as possible, but would have to be warmed up to protect them from damage caused by snow loads.

"We compensate for the unavoidable CO2 emissions with the help of the climate agency atmosfair."

In the future, the company will continue to rely on the latest technology in order to further reduce energy consumption.

"It cannot be completely avoided at an event of this kind." Ultimately, however, the city has to decide whether tents should generally no longer be allowed for events in winter.

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