The Limited Times

The inmate of Together for Change in Mendoza exploded: Bullrich intervenes the PRO and everyone looks at Larreta

4/5/2023, 7:14:35 PM

Omar de Marchi, an ally of the head of government, will compete outside and wants to take the seal. The rupture of the deputy Omar De Marchi , who announced yesterday that he will be a pre-candidate for the governorship of Mendoza outside the official Cambia Mendoza front, provoked the discomfort of the national PRO. This noon, the national council chaired by Patricia Bullrich resolved to intervene the party in the province of Cuyo. He appointed the PRO national senator, Humberto Schiavoni , as

The rupture of the deputy

Omar De Marchi

, who announced yesterday that he will be a pre-candidate for the governorship of Mendoza outside the official Cambia Mendoza front, provoked the discomfort of the national PRO.

This noon, the national council chaired by Patricia Bullrich resolved to intervene the party in the province of Cuyo.

He appointed the PRO national senator,

Humberto Schiavoni

, as controller of the Mendoza District, for a period of 30 days.

"The measure was taken in view of the situation in which the Mendoza District finds itself, and in consideration of serious issues that put the legal status of said district at risk," says the resolution signed by the president of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich


and the party secretary Eduardo Macchiavelli, in clear support of the head of government of the City of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

On April 12, the provincial term expires for the PRO to register within the electoral alliance with the UCR, for the primary elections for governor on June 11 and the general elections on September 25.

From the leadership that supports De Marchi, including his nephew Sebastián Bragagnolo, mayor of Luján de Cuyo, they announced that they will raise the annulment of the resolution.

They will present a precautionary measure in Justice to suspend the intervention in the party.

A week after the closing of the lists in Mendoza, De Marchi kicked off the board by being at odds with Alfredo Cornejo, the radical candidate to succeed Rodolfo Suarez.

The main leader of the Mendoza PRO announced that he will be a candidate for governor, without confirming which party he will compete with.

"There is only one option, there is only one irreversible decision: I will be a candidate for governor of the province of Mendoza," De Marchi tweeted last Tuesday afternoon. 

“There are no reasons to intervene, the Pro de Mendoza is the one that has grown the most in the country, from having only one legislator in 2016, now we have nine.

The intervention responds to the discipline of Buenos Aires, a discipline that we are not going to tolerate”;

they say in De Marchi's environment.

The deputy who slammed the door could compete with the stamp of the old Democratic Party, which will take the libertarians as allies.

Although also in recent months, De Marchi built bridges with sectors of anti-Kirchner Peronism, who could support his candidacy.

Letter from PRO Mendoza

While there are supporters of the PRO who accuse De Marchi of pursuing his personal interest, without caring about harming the ruling coalition;

the president of the party in Mendoza published a letter to defend the break.

"Between Buenos Aires and Mendoza, we chose Mendoza a thousand times. Our province is above any political interest. Using the Intervention to discipline a province goes against the federal ideals of the PRO," Martínez complained.

The president of PRO Mendoza assured that the intervention they have decreed is "irregular."

And he confirmed: that they are going to go to Justice. 

Martínez closed with a criticism of Bullrich and the leadership that supports the leadership of the radical Cornejo: "The only objective is to offer the Pro to Cornejo. In Buenos Aires they do not know what is happening in Mendoza. They do not notice the institutional suffocation that exists, under the commissariat of a political pattern that intends to control the Justice, the Legislature, all the control organisms, and manipulate the internal life of all the political parties".

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