The Limited Times

The mayor of Nice announces an action plan for the city of Moulins, plagued by dealers

4/5/2023, 6:14:03 PM

Christian Estrosi wants to avoid a “Marseille-style” situation and indicates that he has alerted the Minister of the Interior “repeatedly”.

Avoid a “


” situation, in the words of Christian Estrosi.

Denouncing "

the inertia of the government

", the mayor Horizons of Nice announced on Wednesday April 5 an action plan for the sensitive district of Les Moulins, whose dealers "

are trying to take control


To discover

  • Follow all the news of the city of Nice

According to Christian Estrosi, traffickers from Bouches-du-Rhône and more particularly from Marseille, would try to "

take control of the Moulins


Everything must be done "

to avoid a Marseille-style situation

", insisted the mayor of Nice, quoting the sentence of the prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes, Bernard Gonzalez, on Monday.

“Government inertia”

Speaking to AFP, Christian Estrosi justified this action plan by “

the inertia of the government and of the Minister of the Interior

” Gérald Darmanin, whom he would nevertheless have alerted “

on multiple occasions


This announcement comes after the broadcast of a video shot on March 24 by a resident of the district and showing a man apparently carrying a weapon of war, video retweeted on Sunday by Éric Ciotti, LR deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes.

Christian Estrosi first intends to "

reinforce the video protection network

" at the entrances and exits of the district, to "

try to identify and follow the dealers and the consumers

": "

From (Thursday), ANPR cameras (Automatic Reading of license plates, Editor's note) will be installed, making it possible to provide evidence to the police

, ”explained Christian Estrosi.

Graffiti wall of a “menu of cocaine, grass, etc.”, in the city of Moulins, in Nice, on January 12, 2023. VALERY HACHEValery HACHE / AFP

As a bonus, the mayor of Nice will propose on April 14 to the city council to bring together voluntary donors “

to hire private security guards


These agents, 24 in number by the end of the year, "

will compensate for the lack of staff of the national police, will make rounds at the Moulins, will monitor the buildings and the stairwells

", detailed Christian Estrosi.

A majority of illegal dealers

The mayor, who assures that "

60% of dealers in Les Moulins are illegal immigrants ", recently proposed the creation of a "


" administrative detention center

with 60 places, which would be added to the current Nice CRA and its 40 places: "

But I did not get an answer from Gérald Darmanin

", he lamented.

Regarding the video of the Moulins, the prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes recognized Monday "

a war of territories

" but assured that the State had "

not given up


Thus, since March 24, various operations at Les Moulins have resulted in the arrest of nine people and the seizure of four weapons and drugs.

As for the situation in Nice, it remains very far from that of Marseille, where 14 people have lost their lives, against a background of drug trafficking, since the beginning of the year: in Nice, the last settling of accounts "goes back

to December 24, 2021 in Las Planas

”, another sensitive district of the city, he specified.