The Limited Times

These young people who get lost in the “antifa” nebula

4/5/2023, 6:20:45 PM

INQUIRY – These radical activists take advantage of the movement to prosper, on the fringes of parties and unions.

Siamo tutti antifascisti


In this Parisian avenue, halfway between Place de la République and Place de la Nation, the cry from Italy in the 1930s resounds.

Taken up by hundreds of demonstrators, it clashes, too, with the agenda.

Far from Benito Mussolini and his fascist regime, he is launched in full protest of the pension reform to designate a new enemy: Emmanuel Macron.

It does not matter if the term is seen emptied of its historical substance having allowed, originally, the French left to unite against the rise of Nazism.

It does not matter, too, if the currents of Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour do not correspond to it at all.

What counts is mobilizing to bring the masses together against a common, albeit fantasized, enemy.

Because it is the entire state that would henceforth be fascist.

The State, its system and its police, judged by these activists responsible for all the evils of our time, ranging from the ecological crisis to identity abuses, passing...

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