The Limited Times

"Rejection of reality": Bavaria angry about financial troubles about refugees - CSU attacks Faeser

4/6/2023, 5:39:57 PM

Municipalities are demanding more willingness to act in migration policy from Interior Minister Nancy Faeser. Strong criticism comes from the Union.

Municipalities are demanding more willingness to act in migration policy from Interior Minister Nancy Faeser.

Strong criticism comes from the Union.

Frankfurt – Almost unlimited immigration, but probably no additional financial means for accommodation, is what Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is currently criticizing.

Above all, the municipalities, which ultimately deal directly with the refugees, complain about the lack of support.

They demand a concrete, long-term strategy from the federal government.

However, Faeser shows no willingness to make more money available to the municipalities.

"I find it strange when it is already being said - at the beginning of April this year - that the money for this year is not enough," the Federal Minister of the Interior told the newspapers of the

Funke media group


She refers to the 2.75 billion euros that the federal government pledged to the states this year for refugee accommodation.

Already last year, 4.4 billion euros should help.

The federal government also took over the social benefits for refugees from Ukraine.

Criticism of Faeser's strategy: municipalities are dissatisfied

But the billions in aid do not always arrive where they are needed.

Gerd Landsberg, General Manager of the Association of Towns and Municipalities, criticized the fact that they would not be paid to the municipalities but to the states - and here too there is no consensus on how to deal with this.

The domestic political spokesman for the Union faction, Alexander Throm (CDU), pointed out that the municipalities had reached their limit.

He spoke out clearly in favor of preventing further unregulated migration.


In the end, the accommodation of refugees primarily burdens the municipalities, which Nancy Faeser also recognizes.

© Arne Dedert/dpa

Although Faeser sees the burden on the municipalities, he continues to reject limiting immigration.

“We are experiencing a terrible war in the middle of Europe.

Eight out of ten refugees come from Ukraine.

There can be no upper limits for humanity,” said the minister.

Reinhard Sager, President of the German District Association, sharply attacked Faeser for this statement.

“Rejection of work” is what the minister is doing when she continues to allow asylum seekers with no prospect of staying in the country to immigrate.

A "more consistent protection of the EU's external borders is necessary, if necessary with fences," he told the

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung


Harsh words from the opposition: CSU speaks of "denial of reality"

Joachim Herrmann (CSU), Bavaria's Minister of the Interior, cannot share the Federal Minister's views either.

He criticized Faeser for a lack of foresight and warned that the financial resources made available by the federal government were by no means sufficient.

The federal and state governments have already agreed on this.

He described Faeser's statements as "outrageous" and "absolutely illogical".

"Either she has completely lost track of the costs or it's simply a denial of reality." With regard to the Bavarian elections in October, he seems to want to consciously distance himself from the SPD.


Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser is not willing to provide the municipalities with additional financial resources.

© Paul Zinken/dpa

Sager also disapproved of the sum made available by the federal government in the

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung


From experience over the past few years, he said that the federal government needed around 4.5 billion euros to accommodate refugees – about twice what they actually get.

“The federal government must no longer deny its responsibility!

Because the money that the municipalities spend on refugees is not available elsewhere.”

On May 10, there will be a federal and state summit with Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) on the subject of migration - but the municipalities are not invited, as Reinhard Sager criticizes.

(dpa / Maibrit Schültken)

List of rubrics: © Arne Dedert/dpa