The Limited Times

"She is like possessed": the audios prior to the death of the woman who fell from a sixth floor in Retiro

4/6/2023, 7:39:20 PM

Calls to 911 from Francisco Sáenz Valiente (52) were known asking for help in which Emmily Rodrigues Santos Gomes (26) is heard screaming in the background.

"The girl is lying there. I don't know if she jumped or they threw her, she was arguing with an older person. She jumped out the window. She jumped or they threw her.


The disconsolate request for help from a neighbor of the Libertad building at 1500, in Retiro, was one of the many calls to 911 that they made for help a week ago, when

Emmily Rodrigues Santos Gomes (26)

fell from the 6th floor.

The young woman was without clothes and died from the impact.

What happened inside the department of

Francisco Sáenz Valiente (52)

, a mining and agricultural businessman, is still unknown.

He is in custody and the Justice accuses him of

aggravated homicide by femicide.

Emmily had come to live in Buenos Aires about four years ago.

She was from Brazil and came in love with an Argentine.

After that relationship ended, she studied Medicine and worked doing promotions, her friends said.

In front of the building on Libertad Street at 1500 where a woman fell from the sixth floor.

Photo Juano Tesone

On Wednesday of last week the young woman had gone out to eat with some friends and later they went to a bowling alley in the City.

For reasons that are still being investigated, the young woman herself went to the house of Sáenz Valiente,

whom she did not know.

It was through

Juliana Magalhaes Mourao (37)

, a friend of the victim and -according to what it turned out- the main suspect in the murder.

Emily was screaming for help.

All the residents of the building heard her and this was recorded not only in her testimonies, but also in the wiretaps.

Francisco Saenz Valiente

"Hello, yes, could a patrolman come please. There is a woman who is screaming upstairs, on one floor. A girl is screaming, on the sixth floor I think it is. They are asking for help," says another neighbor who also asked the policeman for help

. 911 while the young woman screamed.

In the background, behind the call, the screams of the victim can be heard.

Another neighbor on the ground floor also called asking for help from the Police: "

I am on the ground floor, I heard a noise and I peeked out.

The girl is lying on the floor naked and complains

, I am inside my apartment

," she asked at the emergency. 

The defendant

Francisco Sáenz Valiente (52) is an ostentatious businessman linked to mining, agriculture and livestock.

Fishing, traveling and parties are the hobbies that the now arrested for Emmily's crime became known to.

It is that, after falling from the rear balcony of his apartment, the young woman died and he was arrested and charged with femicide.

Before that happened,

he also called 911

while at her house she was screaming in despair.

Francisco Sáenz Valiente is a businessman dedicated to mining and agricultural businesses.

Francisco Sáenz Valiente:

Yes, what's up.

I need an officer because I have a girl who is very upset at home"


Disturbed in what way?




If they can come quickly because he is yelling a lot.


– Do you know her?


I saw her today, her friend, yes.

She is yelling a lot.

She is like possessed. 

The entire conversation occurs with disturbing shouting in the background that does not stop and the conversation, which lasts a minute, ends with the voice getting closer and Sáenz Valiente saying: "

Calm down!"

The businessman made a second call to 911 with much more disturbing screams in the background.

"Come urgently, please", she repeats while in the background the screams are even more heartbreaking and she seems to scream

"she's going to kill me... son of a bitch!"


"I'm going to kill myself... son of a bitch!"


Emmily Rodrigues, the 26-year-old Brazilian girl who died when she fell from a sixth floor on Libertad Street at 1500, in the City of Buenos Aires.

It is a key passage of the conversation, but the poor quality of the audio makes it difficult to know clearly what the expression was.

The expert opinion will be decisive in reconstructing precisely what Emmily said at that time.

The cause

The investigation was left in the hands of the National Criminal and Correctional Prosecutor's Office No. 10 of the City of Buenos Aires, temporarily in charge of prosecutor Santiago Vismara.

The prosecutor ordered the

summary secrecy

and requested the arrest of Sáenz Valiente while they collect evidence.

The victim's family has not been able to fire her or transfer her remains to Brazil, as her family wished.

A week after the fact, the businessman remains in custody.

Emmily's relatives hope that the incident will be investigated and that Juliana Magalhaes Mourao will be charged with being at the scene and that she spent the first 24 hours late.

The prosecutor Vismara and the investigating judge Martín Del Viso have a period of 10 business days, that is, until next Thursday, to define their procedural situation.

The Jeep Compass Longitude still parked in Libertad at 1500, on which the investigators made expertise.

In his statement, Sáenz Valiente denied having thrown the young woman from the balcony and said that the girl had "an outbreak" and that she "reacted unexpectedly by going to a window and throwing herself" in the middle of a scene of excitement.

The detainee acknowledged that he had drunk alcoholic beverages but did not relate the victim's conduct for that reason. 

"The defendant maintained the same initial version that he gave to the police. That the girl had a kind of psychotic break, that she became aggressive and that she looked for a window to jump into the void," a judicial source linked to the file told Télam




look also

Death of the young Brazilian in Retiro: the businessman reiterated that the girl suffered an outbreak and threw herself into the void

The woman who fell from a sixth floor in Retiro: they investigate if there was a previous fight

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