The Limited Times

Attack on rue Copernic: the instrumentalization of a moribund far right

4/6/2023, 5:45:29 PM

TRIBUNE – The attack on rue Copernic was presented at the time as an attack on the far right, recalls the lawyer, who represents the civil parties in this case. He sees in it a gross diversion of the left and the far left, which is still reluctant today to name...

On Monday, the trial of Hassan Diab, accused of having committed the attack on the synagogue on rue de Copernic in Paris, on October 3, 1980, opened without much noise.

Forty-three years after a crime that resulted in the death of four people and left many injured!

Allow me to begin this article with a painful personal memory.

At the end of the afternoon of this Friday, October 3, forty-three years ago, I found myself in the company of my colleague Aude Weill-Raynal, in the midst of bloodied, disfigured wounded, screaming in pain and of dread, in the Dantesque setting of this devastated rue Copernic.

We had heard the enormous explosion in the building very close to the avenue Kléber where we made our debuts as lawyers and went downstairs immediately before the emergency services even arrived.

It cannot be forgotten.

And, forty-three later, here we are representing civil parties in a trial whose lateness is…

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