The Limited Times

Céline Pina: “Yes, we can question the public funding allocated to the League for Human Rights”

4/6/2023, 4:33:28 PM

FIGAROVOX/TRIBUNE - Heard on April 5 by the law commissions in the Assembly and the Senate, Gérald Darmanin threatened to question the public subsidies granted to the League of Human Rights. Céline Pina denounces the "drift" of this association.

Former local elected official, Céline Pina is a journalist at


, essayist and activist.

She is the founder of "Viv(r)e la République", she has also published

Guilty Silence

(Kero, 2016) and

These Essential Goods

(Bouquins, 2021).


- In response to a question from a senator, the Minister of the Interior considered that the public subsidy granted to the League of Human Rights "


to be looked at


, an association very critical of the means employed by the gendarmes against the demonstrators.

How do you view this controversy?

Should we question the funding of this association?

Celine PINA.


Of course, we can challenge public funding for an association.

That does not prevent it from existing, it is simply no longer financed by our taxes.

Indeed, public funding has never been a given, it has to be earned and is supposed to be linked to the fact that an association has a dimension of general interest.

The defense of human rights...

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