The Limited Times

Dengue, skin cancer and graduate trips: an unexpected link arises in the midst of an epidemic

4/6/2023, 9:39:22 AM

Priorities of the national State, the provincial administrations and the opposition claims in the framework of an outbreak that already registers more than 16 thousand infected in the country.

Kirchnerism pointed the guns this Wednesday at the head of the Buenos Aires government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, demanded that he take charge of the

dengue outbreak

in the City and presented a bill so that the repellent is distributed to the neighbors for



This distribution is requested to occur

between December and June

, so that if successful - even if the Legislature voted on it soon - four valuable months would have been lost.

They would remain less than three ahead, at least this year.

Experts point out that waves of dengue occur

every three years

, so that an eventual norm would take full advantage of it in 2026.

The proposal, signed by the legislator of the Frente de Todos María Bielli, contemplates that the local administration "has

aerosols, creams and lotions

that collaborate in the prevention of the disease."

It is not the first time that Bielli promotes a project of these characteristics.

The deputy had also accompanied, in 2021, a project by Ofelia Fernández to

distribute free sunscreen

in the squares.

They introduced it during the most critical stage of the Covid pandemic and called it the “UV Exposure and Skin Cancer Prevention Awareness and Intervention Act.”

The possibility that the State assists with these tools to people who cannot pay for them, or that there is a discount for social works and prepaid as with other medicines, has been a

public health claim


So much so that the national government could arbitrate, if the political decision existed, that said assistance be a right throughout the country.

Fumigation against dengue in the city of La Plata.

Photo: Mauricio Nievas

The only province today that guarantees free repellents and sunscreens is

Santa Fe

, which makes it in a state laboratory.



there is also the provincial production of repellent.

These are two of the provinces with the most cases of dengue in the country.

Although the possibility that the Casa Rosada could make its own local initiatives would not be something strange, the inspiration until now has not sprung from the

health field


The closest precedent, on the other hand, dates from October 2021, when the national government wanted to imitate the free graduate trips promoted by Axel Kicillof in his province.

But the


of the Secretary of Tourism Promotion, Yanina Martínez, has not yet materialized.

Neither has she done the project to hand out free sunscreen in the City.

And it is likely that the same fate befalls Bielli's new idea to deliver repellents free of charge

to only one side of General Paz


From this string of good intentions without a certain horizon, the Buenos Aires "End of Course Trip" is different, which has already completed two editions and

this year will be for the third


Concentrated on this priority, the Province blends in with the impossibility of having separate resources to combat dengue fever and skin cancer.

For legislator Bielli, "the Government of the City of Buenos Aires has the

non-delegable responsibility

of planning and carrying out actions aimed at preventing outbreaks of diseases such as dengue fever and others transmitted by mosquitoes."

Boys in a cloud of insecticide against mosquitoes in Rosario.

Santa Fe is one of the provinces with the most cases.

Photo: AP

On the legislative day the day before, the general practitioner Matías Gallastegui -coordinator of the Popular School of Community Health- was also heard to affirm that "the City Government

is underestimating

the dengue epidemic."

The latest national report on the outbreak, from last Friday, indicated that there were already more than

16,000 cases and 14 provinces with community circulation


The districts with the most infections: Tucumán, Salta, Santa Fe, Jujuy and Santiago del Estero.

In fifth place is the City of Buenos Aires, with 7 percent of infections.

Beyond access to repellent, public health experts link the proliferation of dengue to variables prior to the time when there was no other choice but to scare away the

Aedes aegypti

at any cost.

One of these variables is


, a breeding ground for care and prevention to become

more fragile


When another major dengue epidemic struck Argentina in 2009, Aldo Neri, Minister of Health during the presidency of Raúl Alfonsín, attributed the problem to the social crisis: "The growth of poverty and marginalization in the country and everything that makes the

abandonment of these areas


Neglect of peri-domestic areas, inadequate housing, lack of


and insufficient information that people have about very basic and elemental measures to prevent this disease”.

Fourteen years later, poverty and marginalization reach record levels, while the political paradigm of that time results today in the


imposed by the challenge of the day: justifying recreational cravings while urging third parties in discord to go out to put out fires. with spray.


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