The Limited Times

Easter: Dove beats eggs at the table in 70% of homes

4/6/2023, 7:33:31 AM

Coldiretti survey. Redemption of real chicken ones (ANSA)

The dove beats chocolate eggs and ranks as a favorite holiday dessert, so much so that it will be present in almost seven out of ten homes (69%).

This is what emerges from the Coldiretti / Ixe 'survey "La Pasqua 2023 of the Italians at the table" which photographs the consumption habits for the first major traditional festival of this year.

The dove detaches the traditional chocolate dessert by six percentage points, which will not be missing in 63% of homes.

If in purchases there is a preference for the dove, symbol of peace, Coldiretti nevertheless detects an enrichment of the traditional version of the sweet, with agricultural and zero km ingredients such as ancient grains, extra virgin olive oil, pomegranate, of forest, honey.

    However, real eggs remain the protagonists of Easter, also driven by the latest studies that recognize them as a healthy, balanced and "fat-cutting" food suitable for weight control of individuals.

An average egg, Coldiretti notes, contains only 78 kcal, but its high protein content is equal to 6.5 grams, or 13% of an adult's daily requirement.

They also qualify as a source of vitamins A and B12 and D and contain Choline, Phosphorus, Selenium, Riboflavin, Folic Acid, Biotin and Iodine, dispelling the urban legend that they are bad for the liver.

On the contrary, this type of food contains substances useful for the proper functioning of liver cells, such as hepatoprotective amino acids such as methionine and choline and a substance such as inositol which is particularly useful for those suffering from fatty liver.