The Limited Times

Italy divided between sun and showers even at Easter and Easter Monday

4/6/2023, 12:09:19 PM

Saturday bad weather in the Center, Sunday and Monday with good weather in the morning and thunderstorms in the afternoon (ANSA)

Subtropical high pressure between Spain and England, large cold cyclone in action on the Balkans.

This will be the main meteorological scenario during the Easter period:

Italy will be in the middle and will be affected by intermediate conditions.

Andrea Garbinato, editorial manager of the site, explains what the fact of being halfway between high and low pressure will mean for Italy: with this configuration, our country "cold currents will continue to arrive (for the period) directly from northern Europe, in particular from the Teutonic-Scandinavian area. The polar extraction currents, colliding with the air that is starting to be warmed by the spring sun, will cause cold nights, but also frequent downpours during the central hours of




The descent of these Teutonic-Scandinavian air masses will cause, among other things, the formation of a cyclone on the Ligurian Sea from Friday, with a rapid deterioration between the

North-West and Tuscany and Umbria


later this small cyclone will bring rain to all

of the Center

and part of the South

on Saturday.

This first meteorological information draws a bad picture for the next few days, but it is not like this:

there will be large clearings and totally sunny moments, especially in the morning


the maximum temperatures will then tend to rise in the coming days thanks to the greater sunshine also in the South.

In summary

, the eventful forecasts up to Easter Monday

are these: in the next few hours we will have a prevalence of sunshine over a large part of the boot, with some residual rain only in the extreme south. On Friday, as mentioned, low pressure will form on the Ligurian Sea and rains and showers are expected between the North-West and Tuscany;

in the South and in the rest of the Center we will find a prevalence of sunshine after a chilly dawn.

The low pressure minimum will then slide on Saturday towards the rest of the Center and towards the South, bringing

widespread and locally persistent rains, especially between Umbria, Lazio and Campania.


Easter will still be uncertain in the South with some rain, more likely between Puglia and Calabria


elsewhere clear spells will prevail in the morning and we could have some afternoon thunderstorms over the


and close to the Apennine ridge.

Easter Monday

will be beautiful in the morning, then after the classic Pic-Nic (or during?)

we pay attention

to the frequent flowering of cauliflowers, as cumulonimbus clouds are called in jargon: these cauliflower-shaped clouds will be associated with

short, but locally


thunderstorms .

Storm phenomena will be

more probable in the Centre-South

, moving from the Adriatic to the Tyrrhenian regions.

A forecast, which summarized to the fullest, could look like this:

bad Saturday in the center, Sunday and Easter Monday with sun in the morning and thunderstorms in the afternoon.





In the north: sunny, but with possible frosts in the plains.

Middle: sunny but cold for the period.

In the south: more unstable only on the lower Tyrrhenian Sea, sunny elsewhere.



In the North: rains in the plains and snowfalls in the mountains in the North-West.

In the centre: it gets worse in Tuscany, especially on the coasts and in the immediate hinterland.

In the south: sunny.



In the north: from the afternoon thunderstorms over the Triveneto.

In the middle: bad weather.

In the south: bad weather is coming.


Santa Easter with alternating sun and some showers especially in the South and in the afternoon in the Triveneto area;

Easter Monday with thunderstorms, especially in the afternoon in the Center-South.