The Limited Times

Near Nantes, they had stolen a bulldozer and destroyed street furniture: four young people identified

4/6/2023, 6:27:30 PM

An adult and three minors living in Vieillevigne are suspected of having caused tens of thousands of euros in damage to the neighboring town of Montbert. A video of the facts was found in the laptop of one of the members of the quartet.

Le Figaro Nantes

The gendarmes will not have taken long to identify them.

On Tuesday, four young men, aged 15 to 18, were arrested by the police in the town of Vieillevigne (Loire-Atlantique), located about thirty kilometers south of Nantes.

They are suspected of having, on March 28, stolen a bulldozer and caused tens of thousands of euros in damage to Montbert, a neighboring town.

The gate of a car park had been torn down, a road plowed up, five lampposts destroyed, wooden fences knocked down 70 meters long and pipes had been crushed.

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Around €100,000 in damage

According to a source close to the investigation, the bill is estimated at 90,000 euros for the municipality and 10,000 euros for the public works company whose equipment has been degraded.

"Thanks to an important work of field investigation and the collection of several testimonies from the neighborhood, cross-checks have been made"

, relates to the


the same source.

"A video of the facts was found in particular in the mobile phone of one of them

," she adds.

The four individuals - one adult and three minors - are not known to the justice services.

After their custody, they were released.

The oldest will be summoned before the criminal court next November.

The three minors will have to appear before a juvenile judge in June.

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The mayor said he was "disgusted"

Questioned by

Le Figaro

shortly after the looting, Jean-Jacques Miraillé, the mayor of Montbert, had expressed his disappointment.

I am disappointed and disgusted by this gratuitous violence,”

he complained.

Saying that he had not

"been elected to manage this kind of thing"

, he regretted a

"random act"


"without a clear target".

What make him think about the installation of video surveillance cameras in his small town which has just over 3000 inhabitants.

“With what has just happened, this risks accelerating our thinking

,” he confided.

The subject should be discussed within the municipal council.