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One of the injured from the rockets - a 26-year-old man: "I felt something go into my neck" - voila! news

4/6/2023, 6:15:25 PM

Razi Bibar, a 26-year-old young man from the Yanouh-Jat local council, was injured by shrapnel from a rocket launched from Lebanon and intercepted by Iron Dome. "We were in the field on a motorcycle trip when I suddenly saw the explosion, and I felt that I was injured and that something entered my neck area." Two more people were slightly injured, and several others died in panic

Razi Bibar, one of the mafia managers in Jetarion, who was slightly injured (Shlomi Gabai)

Shortly after Razi Bibar, a 26-year-old young man from the Yanouh-Jat local council, was injured by shrapnel from a rocket launched from Lebanon and intercepted by an Iron Dome, he went to the Galilee Medical Center, where he told Walla!

About what happened: "We were in the field on a motorcycle trip when I suddenly saw the explosion, and I felt that I was injured and that something entered my neck area."

"I saw blood, I realized it was shrapnel, I decided that instead of stopping, I would continue to the hospital, and that's what I did," added Bibar, manager of a pita factory in the village of Jet.

With a shrapnel in his neck, Bibar went to the hospital and was admitted to the surgical department of the Galilee Medical Center, where his condition is described as mild.

He is expected to spend the coming night in the hospital.

"We were in the field on a motorcycle trip when I suddenly saw the explosion", Razi Bibar (Photo: Shlomi Gabai)

"There was a great miracle here," she said to Walla!

Mary Aasi, a resident of the local council of Pasuta, whose son - 19-year-old Jamal - was also injured as a result of the fall of one of the rockets launched from Lebanon.

This, while he was driving his car on the way back home.

Aasi recounted the incident: "Jamal went to his aunt's with the cakes we made for Easter, and when he started back he heard the first boom. Because he was afraid, he took an alternative route and that's how he ended up getting hit by the second missile. It (the shrapnel or the rocket) hit the passenger's side - if I would have gone with him, I would have died already. He flew out of the window and the neighbor called me. We called the EMS and an ambulance, and they took him to the hospital."

When he arrived at the hospital, Aasi underwent tests in the emergency room and his condition was determined to be light and stable. Within the next few hours, he is expected to be released to his house

More in Walla!

A day of escalation: rockets from Gaza at night, volleys from Lebanon at noon

To the full article

"There was a great miracle here."

The vehicle damaged by the shrapnel driven by Jamal Eassi (Photo: Shlomi Gabbai)

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In addition to Bibar and Easi, a sixty-year-old woman was reported injured on her way to the Medical Center, as well as several anxiety victims. A security source stated that at this stage there are no special instructions for the home front on the northern border, and that it is estimated that these will be accepted at the end of the cabinet discussion. The Deputy Director of the Galilee Medical Center

, Dr. Zvi Shelag commented on the issue: "Following the recent incident, the medical center has refreshed guidelines and procedures, along with checking potential complexes for hospitalization in an emergency. We are prepared for all scenarios."

Earlier today, at least 34 rockets were launched today from the territory of Lebanon towards the Western Galilee, in a continuous tension not seen during normal times, since the Second Lebanon War.

This, in the shadow of the already existing security tensions in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip.

At least 37 alarms sounded in cities and towns in the border area with Lebanon and in the Western Galilee, and the IDF reported 25 rockets intercepted by Iron Dome and at least five falling on Israeli territory.

Dozens of missiles were launched into the Western Galilee from Lebanon.

April 6, 2023 (according to Article 27A of the Copyright Law)

Although the IDF spokesman confirmed that Hamas in southern Lebanon is responsible for the launches - the large volume of launches, which is 34 rockets - may indicate the involvement of Hezbollah in one way or another. However, the Saudi "Al-Arabiya" network quoted a

source "close to Hezbollah" who claimed that the organization has nothing to do with the firing of the rockets, and that those who carried out the launches towards Israel are the Palestinian factions that live in southern Lebanon. It is not impossible that this is an attempt by Hezbollah to disavow the organization's possible involvement in the launches. Also in the "Reuters" news agency, where they reported from "three security sources ", claimed that the Palestinian factions are the ones responsible for firing the rockets into Israeli territory, and not Hezbollah. The impression is that Hezbollah is trying to distance themselves from this incident as much as possible.

For his part, Hashem Safi al-Din, head of Hezbollah's executive council and cousin on the mother's side of Hezbollah Secretary General Nasrallah, claimed that Israel's efforts "to damage the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy sites - will set the region on fire." According to him, "hundreds of millions of Muslims are ready to shed blood for him" (the mosque).

  • news

  • Army and security


  • rockets

  • Lebanon