The Limited Times

They recover the work of the poet and journalist who disappeared during the dictatorship along with the sister of Víctor Heredia

4/6/2023, 6:39:19 PM

Claudio Nicolás Grandi was married to Cristina Cournou. They were kidnapped from their home in Paso del Rey ahead of their two-year-old daughter, who now participated in the reissue of Causas y Broncas, her father's book.

The Program for the Promotion of Human Rights of the

National University of Moreno

has just published, through UNM Editora, the written work of the poet and journalist Nicolás Grandi, arrested and disappeared by the dictatorship in 1976 along with his wife, Cristina Cornou, sister of singer-songwriter Víctor Heredia.

The presentation of the new version of

"Causas y broncas"

-which had already come to light in 1975, when the author himself was in charge of printing a hundred mimeographed copies- was held at the University headquarters on March 23 , during an act that anticipated the National Day of Memory, for Truth and Justice.

There, the teacher,

theater researcher and Literature graduate

Yamila Grandi presented her oral storytelling show “Hijar, la fuerza de la plot”.

The artist is a

central piece

in the task of

enhancing the value

of the recovered texts.

The editorial role he played is nothing more than a tribute to the legacy of his father, the author of "Causas y broncas" and his mother -Cristina Cournou, sister of singer-songwriter Víctor Heredia-, kidnapped along with the poet from the house in Paso del King where they lived.

The cover of the new edition of the book "Causas y broncas", by Nicolás Grandi, published by the publishing house of the National University of Moreno.

The images of the horror of that June 22, 47 years ago, remain in the retina of the daughter, a

direct witness at the age of two and a half of the attack on the family home

by a commando of repressive forces.

poems and notes

“I can pack my belongings and leave because I wrote the book, planted the tree and had the child / because I loved and they loved me to the irreversible limits of the bullet / because I traveled until I knew the urgent need to return / because I built the walls of my house with my red verses, dry and hard as devastated bricks / I can pack my belongings and leave, but I can also stay and start slowly spelling my new alphabet”, Grandi wrote in “I can”, reproduced in the newspaper “Alberdi” of Vedia, on 14 June 1975.

The verses are part of the collection of

poems and journalistic notes

that the author collected and reflected his interest in the world situation in the '70s.

A touch of irony runs through the handwritten notes of Nicolás Grandi, who accompany these clippings to reveal his positions on the Vietnam War, Hiroshima and Nagasaki wiped off the map by the atomic bombs and the country's social decline due to increasingly unpopular economic measures. , among other hot topics.

Yamila Grandi, during the presentation of her father Nicolás Grandi's book, at the University of Moreno.

"Thanks to the University of Moreno, the printed words

bring my father and me together again,

in this publication that I appreciate and celebrate with the gratitude of someone who can, once again, hug their old man tight," says Yamila Grandi in the first pages of the book and underlines: “The poetic word at the service of denunciation.

Nicolás Grandi made the word an arena of struggle”.

The memory of Víctor Heredia: "Nicolás loved"

For his part, Víctor Heredia (author of essential pieces of the popular songbook, such as “Sobreviviendo”, “El Viejo Matías”, “Razón de vivir” and “Todavía cantamos”) celebrates: “Welcome memory.

Nothing is lost when you love.

And Nicholas loved.

From his militancy and his word, the tool of those who pursue utopias, of those who make each sunrise worthwhile ”.

In the presentation of the book "Causas y broncas" at the University of Moreno, Yamila Grandi honored the author -her father- with the presentation of his oral narration "Hijar, the strength of the plot".

In the Introduction of "Causas y broncas", the teacher, artist and founder of the

Casa de la Cultura de Moreno

, Roberto Díaz, highlights the active participation that Nicolás Grandi had in the

neighborhood proposals.

He mentions the artistic expressions with

community participation

of the Amancio Alcorta neighborhood club and the theater group for adults “La rama verde”, later consolidated in the El Retablo Theater.


creative vein

of Claudio Nicolás Grandi appeared during his childhood in Córdoba.

Relatives and neighbors recognized points of contact with the passion for sculpture exercised by his mother, Julia Rebollo, and the artistic talent of his father, the painter Mario Darío Grandi.

Nicolás Grandi and his wife Cristina Cournou -sister of singer-songwriter Víctor Heredia-, in an image from the time they lived in Paso del Rey, Moreno district.

Later, after taking the first steps in the

Philosophy and Letters career

at the UBA, Nicolás Grandi -born in the city of Buenos Aires on January 11, 1945- left established: "I have more than a quarter of a century waiting for hope / Not counting the other centuries it took for genes to shape my face / Is that why my patience is running out?

Almost premonitory, glimpsing the long night that was coming in Argentina, in "Romance of death", Grandi warns that "death comes cutting with its cold knives / and goes around slashing tears with the silence of knives / death comes from crouched and silent mourning / overshadowing the rhymes in the warm mornings”.


words loaded

with meanings that the poet left written were treasured in copy 7 of the original booklet, kept by Néstor Ranero and delivered by Cristina García Casas to the University of Moreno.

Now, the reissued book appeals to the good memory and reveals the impressive validity that the verses embodied by Grandi on paper, in his own handwriting, maintain.

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