The Limited Times

Valditara, immediately the start of a recruitment plan in the school

4/6/2023, 7:27:20 PM

With the decree law approved by the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Education has launched a permanent recruitment plan for teachers, pending the execution of the competitions envisaged by the Pnrr. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, 06 APR - With the decree law approved by the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Education has launched a plan for the permanent hiring of teachers, unexpectedly for the competitions envisaged by the Pnrr to take place.

This was stated by Minister Giuseppe Valditara, underlining that "with the plan that we have decided to support the measures envisaged by the Pnrr, we aim to create the conditions for the regular start of the next school year, ensuring educational continuity for students, the quality of teaching and the reduction of precariousness" .

    From the ministry then comes a "prompt and significant" response to students with disabilities "with the most significant introduction into the role of support teachers in recent years, making recruitment procedures more selective".

Furthermore, the minister says, the dicastery is about to launch a competition procedure for teachers who have completed 36 months of service or are in possession of 24 university training credits". Finally, with the decree "interventions are made on the procedures for carrying out the competition for technical managers with inspection functions of the Ministry of Education, in order to unblock the procedures for the relative recruitment, which have been stopped for years". (ANSA).

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