The Limited Times

'Trump judge donated to Dems and Biden'

4/7/2023, 1:57:55 PM

According to the US media, these are small figures which however raise the question of impartiality (ANSA)

Juan Merchan, the judge presiding over Donald Trump's case in New York, donated $35 to Democrats in 2020, including $15 to the Joe Biden campaign.

This was revealed by the US media, raising the question of the impartiality of the judge, whose daughter also worked for Kamala Harris' campaign.

The tycoon has already accused Merchan and his family of hating him. 

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“Biden wants to manipulate the American people into believing that Donald Trump is to blame for the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.”

The spokesman for the former US president said this after the publication of a report by the National Security Council which claims that the operation "was made necessary by the conditions left by the previous administration and its decisions".

The document still reads that "there was no other possible scenario other than withdrawal".

ANSA agency

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Within a month the verdict.

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