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Amen. Francisco answers: the film where the Pope answers shocking questions and you can see it at Easter

4/7/2023, 8:45:45 PM

Ten young people met with the Pope and talked about abortion, pedophilia, racism and hypocrisy. Where to see it

The documentary


Francis responds

is not a permissive production, or that it is entirely in favor of the



In his meeting with ten young people from different parts of the planet, on the outskirts of Rome, they ask him about everything: abortion, pedophilia, migration, racism, if he has a salary, what he does when he needs to buy something expensive, if he did not want to have a partner.

The film is quite concise - it does not last an hour and a half - and in it the Supreme Pontiff makes some forceful sentences.

As, in passing, he says that "The Church becomes a club of good people" if it does not fulfill more than its mission of helping others.

Or "There is a lot of corruption in the institution of the Church", always in a calm tone.

There are ten young people waiting for him, 20 minutes from Vatican City.

Five live in Spain, one is from Senegal, who is also a Muslim, a girl is from Boston, with immigrant parents from India, and three Latin Americans from Colombia, Peru and Santiago del Estero, Argentina.

Pope Francis did not dodge any question.

Photos Star+

The Pope limps, due to the knee -the documentary was recorded in mid-2022-, but he does not escape any question.

And when he does not begin to respond, there is young María, the eldest of six siblings and a fervent Catholic, who is like the voice of faith, of the Church and who cuts off more than one penalty for the Pope's side.

Because the topics are varied, and critical.

"Contradiction is not taking charge of your history, and assuming the past costs, it is what costs us Christians the most", is one of the mea culpas of the Pontiff.

Leaning on his cane, the Pope arrives, accompanied by custodians, to meet the ten young people from all over the world.

"I went through ugly moments in my life," he will say, without clarifying which ones.


Lili is from Santiago, a catechist and feminist

, and belongs to the group "Catholics for the right to decide."

She is the one who brings up the issue of abortion.

“Why did the church in Argentina want to hinder women's rights?

Jesus would accompany her, he would not judge the woman”.

Lili is the one who gets up and hands the Pope a green handkerchief.

Lili, from Santiago del Estero, was the one who gave Francisco a green handkerchief.

She is a feminist and helps in the Church.

Francis' response is that he asks priests “to be merciful to women who aborted.

A month after conception is already a human life.

Is it lawful to eliminate a human life?” asks the Argentine.

The discussion that follows is carried out by women, who are the majority -7 of the 10 young people-.

The Pope listens, just like the men in the meeting, and rescues "the sensitivity of their arguments", not without comparing those who perform abortions with... hitmen.

Although always friendly and forceful, the Pope also jokes with his interlocutors.

“A woman who aborts cannot be left alone, you have to accompany her, not send her to hell.

But not justify the damage, ”she says, always with an affable, friendly and calm tone.

Can you imagine if these questions had been asked of your predecessor, Benedict XVI?

In a cut from the filming of the documentary, which premiered just at Easter.

A Spanish boy talks about the hypocrisy of the Church.

He refers to pedophilia.

He went to an

Opus Dei

school , and suffered sexual abuse.

His father wrote to the Pope at one point.

Now the case has a final sentence.

“I do not want child abuse to ever prescribe.

The abuser or abuser destroys the child.

I'd like to have the case reviewed.

Zero tolerance, that is the policy of the Church”, says Bergoglio.

Faced with more questions about the same aspect, he will say that “It is a human problem, of human degeneration.

In the Church we are creating a social conscience”, for which the directors of the documentary pan to the faces of young people.

Their faces say more than words.


The young man seen in the photo suffered sexual abuse in an Opus Dei school.

It is worth wondering how the casting will have been, the selection of young people, which include a non-binary and Christian person, an agnostic, a young woman who creates adult content, pornography, a former nun who now has a homosexual partner.

"The Church cannot close the door on anyone", the Pope declared, just when the documentary seemed to become somewhat tedious and/or repetitive, and that is when he greeted the young people and the feeling that remains is that there was courage and courage on the part of the two sides of the talk, bad that it weighs on some.



Documentary film.

Spain, 2023. 83', SAM 13.


De Marius Sánchez and Jordi Evole.

Available in:


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