The Limited Times

Schlein announces the secretariat of the Democratic Party and challenges Meloni

4/7/2023, 1:57:49 PM

The dem leader: 'High quality team compared to the government'. Among the names, Alfieri at the Reforms, Provenzano at the Foreign Affairs, Bonafoni coordinator. The head of the secretary is Righi, Alivernini communications. Best wishes to Berlusconi (the video) (ANSA)

'A solid and prepared team, of high quality especially when compared to the one in government.

It will be a problem for Meloni', says the secretary of the Pd Schlein, presenting the members of the secretariat indicated after a tiring internal confrontation.

'We went a little long, but now we will do a great job', admits the Dem leader.

Among the names, Alessandro Alfieri at Reforms, Giuseppe Provenzano at Foreign Affairs, Marta Bonafoni coordinator of the secretariat, Marco Furfaro responsible for political initiatives, Maria Cecilia Guerra al Lavoro, Pierfrancesco Majorino on migration policies and housing rights, Igor Taruffi on organization.

The head of the secretary is Giovanni Gaspare Righi, the spokesperson and communication manager Flavio Alivernini.

Berlusconi, Schlein: 'I wish him a speedy recovery'

This is the secretary of the Democratic Party communicated live on Instagram by the secretary Elly Schlein


Alessandro Alfieri to the Reforms and Pnrr;

Davide Baruffi to Local Authorities;

Marta Bonafoni coordinator of the secretariat, third sector and associations;

Stefania Bonaldi to the Public Administration, professions and innovation;

Annalisa Corrado at the Ecological conversion, climate, green economy and Agenda 2030;

Alfredo D'Attorre at the University;

Marco Furfaro Head of political initiatives, fight against inequalities, welfare;

Maria Cecilia Guerra at Work;

Camilla Laureti to Agricultural Policies;

Marwa Mahmoud at Political Participation and Education;

Pierfrancesco Majorino on Migration Policies and Right to Housing;

Irene Manzi at School, childhood education, education, educational poverty;

Antonio Misiani to Economy, Finance, Business and Infrastructure;

Giuseppe Provenzano at Foreign Affairs, Europe,

international cooperation;

Vincenza Rando at the Contrast to the mafias, legality and transparency;

Sandro Ruotolo to Information, culture, cultures and memory;

Marco Sarracino to Territorial Cohesion, South and Internal Areas;

Marina Sereni at Health and Healthcare;

Debora Serracchiani to Justice;

Igor Taruffi Head of Organization;

Alessandro Zan to Rights.

The Coordinator of Mayors and the Coordinator of Regional Secretaries will sit by right in the secretariat.

Furthermore, both the Spokesperson of the Conference of Democrats and those representing the Young Democrats will be permanently invited to the Secretariat.

"We are also building a series of thematic Departments that will support the work of the secretariat with specific responsibilities, including: Department of sports policies to Mauro Berruto;

Department of digital transition, open science and big data to Annarosa Pesole;

Department Against all barriers, for the inclusion of Iacopo Melio.

Finally: Chief Secretariat of the Secretary Giovanni Gaspare Righi;

Spokesperson of the Secretary and Communications Manager of the Democratic Party Flavio Alivernini".