The Limited Times

The web of the future, Google will integrate AI into its search

4/7/2023, 4:03:46 PM

For Pichai, "more opportunities than before" and pushes on the Bard chatbot (ANSA) Google plans to add conversational AI capabilities to its search engine. This was revealed by Sundar Pichai, CEO of the American giant, to the Wall Street Journal. According to the manager, advances in artificial intelligence would increase Google's ability to answer questions, even the most complex ones, in less time and with a higher degree of reliability. No risk therefore but many advantages:

Google plans to add conversational AI capabilities to its search engine.

This was revealed by Sundar Pichai, CEO of the American giant, to the Wall Street Journal.

According to the manager, advances in artificial intelligence would increase Google's ability to answer questions, even the most complex ones, in less time and with a higher degree of reliability.

No risk therefore but many advantages: "The space of opportunity, if anything, is greater than before," said Pichai during the interview.

The CEO did not reveal when it will be possible to chat with Google to get answers to the questions posed but, according to the Journal, the project shouldn't be very far from release, if only so as not to lose too much pace against Microsoft, which has already integrated ChatGpt in an experimental version of its search engine, Bing.

Two months ago, Google made available, for internal tests, Bard, the chatbot competitor of ChatGpt, which is based on the proprietary artificial intelligence language PaLM, customization of the Large Language Model (LLM) from which ChatGpt itself derives.

Pichai explained that Google's goal is to allow users to interact directly with language models through simple chats accessible via the web.

According to the latest data from the Similarweb agency, Google holds more than 90% of all searches performed in the world on the internet, between mobile devices and computers.

Behind her Yahoo and Bing, both just over 3%.