The Limited Times

Rating: what was the most viewed on a Saturday taken for Holy Week

4/9/2023, 4:34:27 PM

In the middle of the XL weekend, no program could even reach 8 points. The podium of each channel.

It is known that

on weekends the ignition is significantly lower than on weekdays


But, in addition, this segment has its own rules: any Saturday is not the same as one interspersed in an XL weekend like this one.


this Easter week was no exception


Between the holidays, religious and family celebrations and the good weather,

the ignition was not hot


In fact,

the most viewed of the day could not even scratch the 8 average points

: in the framework of

Cinema on Saturday


, the film

Re loca y me encanta

(at 10:30 p.m., on Telefe) reached 7.9 points.

The general table of the day was completed with

La última oportunidad

(by El Trece) and its 6.2 average, the umpteenth repetition of

Casados ​​con hijos

(Telefe) with 5.8, followed by the draw between

Los Ángeles de Charly


Los Simpson

, with 5.1, one for each of those two channels.

channel by channel

The first three of Telefe were included in the general

"top five"

of the day.

That of El Trece was completed with the film

Venganza ruthless

, with 4.5.

"Ruthless revenge", from 2011, integrated the podium of El Trece.

As for Elnueve,

Vivo para vos

led , with 2.3, ahead of


with 1.9 and

Clave argentina

, with 1.5.

In America he led


with 1.9, followed by

True Secrets

with 1.7 and

America News

with 1.3.

On the side of the state screen,

Tango nuevo Astor

led the measurement of Public Television, with 0.6, followed by a tie in 0.5, between

Archivo general


Televisión Pública noticias


On Net TV, the most viewed was

Alma gaucha

with 0.5.

In second place was a compilation of folkloric festivals with 04, the same measurement as

San Francisco and Santa Clara


And in the signal with the least rating, Bravo, the lead was for the repetition of Avenida Brasil with 0.3, ahead of

The value of your jewels

and the


can , both with 0.2.

In relation to the general table by channels, not only were there low marks, but there was also

a notable change in the usual order

of the positions.

Above all was, as always, Telefe, with an average of 5.7 points, followed by El Trece, with 4.5, and América, with 1.6.

In fourth place was Elnueve with 1.3.


the fifth place, which is usually given by Public Television, this time was in the hands of Net TV

, which knew how to win with a mix of repetitions and folkloric specials: it achieved an average of 0.4, relegating the state screen to sixth notch, with a meager 0.3 rating.

That ranking of signals closed with the programming of Bravo, which harvested, barely, 0.2.

Unlike other Holy Week Saturdays,

Biblical titles did not appear in the top positions


We'll see if, as Sunday goes by, the numbers go up a bit, taking into account that Sunday

prime time

 usually has more popular programs, such as


and the MasterChef gala.

And, regardless of how the schedule for this Sunday 9 closes,

the expectations of reconquering the public by open TV are concentrated on Monday 10

, the day that, with the premiere of

Argentina, land of love and revenge 2

(El Thirteen), national fiction returns to the small screen.

look also

Program for the XL weekend: five series and movies to marathon on streaming

The story of Rodolfo Vera Calderón, the royal specialist who shines in MasterChef