The Limited Times

Russia-Ukraine War, LIVE: The Wagner Group warned that kyiv gathered 200,000 soldiers to launch a counteroffensive

4/9/2023, 8:46:31 PM

This was stated by the head of the group, Yevgueni Prigozhin. "The enemy is serious and has been preparing," he said.

The head of the Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said on Sunday that Ukraine has assembled more than 200,000 troops for its imminent counteroffensive against Russian forces.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, described this Sunday as "hysterical" the reaction of Western countries to Russian plans to place tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus.

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09.04.2023 17:16


Russia acknowledges an attack in Zaporizhia against a fuel depot

The Russian Defense Ministry reported in its daily report a missile attack on a fuel warehouse in Zaporizhia, where, according to Ukraine, two people died as a result of the bombardment.

"In the area of ​​the city of Zaporizhia, a high-precision missile destroyed a warehouse with 70,000 tons of fuel for use by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbas," the report said.

According to kyiv, during the Russian attack on Zaporizhia - in whose region the largest nuclear power plant in Europe is located - a 50-year-old man and his 11-year-old daughter died.

09.04.2023 16:54


Zelensky could go to Germany in May

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky could visit Germany on May 14 to collect the 2023 Charlemagne Prize in the city of Aachen.

This was reported this Sunday by the newspaper Bild am Sonntag, stressing that the distinction will be delivered by the German Chancellor himself, Olaf Scholz.

If it comes to fruition, it will be Zelensky's first visit to Germany since the start of the war.

However, the newspaper points out that due to the expected new Ukrainian offensive, Zelensky may have to abandon the trip, so it would connect via video.

09.04.2023 16:19

4:19 p.m.

Wagner Group says Ukraine has more than 200,000 men for counteroffensive

The head of the Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said on Sunday that Ukraine has assembled more than 200,000 troops for its imminent counteroffensive against Russian forces.

"The enemy is serious," Prigozhin said.

Photo: Sergei Ilnitsky/AP/file.

"They have gathered close to 200,000 troops. And up to 400,000, according to other calculations," said the leader of that private military company during a talk before members of the "Cyber ​​Front Z" group.

"The enemy is serious and has been preparing for many years for what happens now," he said.

As for the counteroffensive, the head of the mercenary group opined that it is not starting because kyiv is waiting for the muddy ground to dry up and for more Western weapons to arrive.

"Wagner alone will not be able to win the war. We must join forces," he stressed.

09.04.2023 15:50

3:50 p.m.

A Ukrainian bishop criticized the Pope

"We understand the will of the Pope to want peace in general, but for us who live here, war is an appeal that is not accepted from our point of view: we are attacked, we are the victim, it is something else," he told ANSA. Bishop of the Kiev-Zhytomyr diocese, Vitaliy Krivitskiy, commenting on the controversy surrounding the Via Crucis in Rome.

"It is difficult and painful for us to think that we Ukrainians and Russians are in the same boat. Sooner or later the time will come to stabilize relations between nations, but now we have war, and during war every message has its own meaning." the bishop commented.

"We have understood that in war you cannot speak of peace and forgiveness in general," said Krivitskiy, who assured that "we always pray for the Pope, so that his words are correct and reach our hearts in the correct way, and our hearts are open to the Pontiff to have these correct messages and to have dialogue".

09.04.2023 15:12


The Pope asks for Ukrainians and Russians at Easter

In an Easter message that stressed hope, Pope Francis called for prayers Sunday for both the Ukrainian and Russian people, praised nations hosting refugees and called on Israelis and Palestinians affected by the latest outbreak of violence that creates a “climate of trust”.

"Help the beloved Ukrainian people on their journey towards peace," Francis said.

Photo: Reuters/Yara Nardi.

In Saint Peter's Square, Francis celebrated the most important day of the Christian calendar and closed his speech with a message about world conflicts.

He called for "trust between individuals, peoples and nations" and said that the joy of Easter "illuminates the darkness and sorrow that too often engulfs our world."

"Help the beloved Ukrainian people on their journey towards peace, and bring Easter light to the people of Russia," Francis implored in his message from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica.

"Comfort the wounded and all those who have lost loved ones to the war, and allow prisoners to return safely to their families."

Since Russia invaded neighboring Ukraine in February 2022, Francis has repeatedly called for an end to the fighting and asked for prayers for the "martyred" Ukrainian people.

09.04.2023 14:31

2:31 p.m.

Seven civilians killed on Easter weekend in Ukraine

Shelling by Russian forces killed at least seven civilians in Ukraine over the weekend, Ukrainian officials said Sunday as Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby used their traditional Easter messages to discuss the war in Ukraine and other conflicts around the world.

As Russia continued to focus on seizing the entire industrial east of Ukraine, two other provinces, Kharkiv in the northeast and Zaporizhia in the southeast, came under fire from missiles, rockets and artillery, the Ukrainian military said.

Kharkiv Governor Oleh Syniehubov said two men were killed in a shelling raid on Sunday in Kupyansk, a city Russia controlled before Ukrainian forces recaptured it.

The city remained under attack later on Sunday when Russian forces attacked residential areas with multiple rocket launchers, Syniehubov said.

In another part of the province, a 30-year-old man was hospitalized in serious condition after the Russian shelling of the city of Chuhuiv, the Kharkiv governor reported on Telegram. The shelling also killed two people overnight, one of them a child, according to City Clerk Anatoliy Kurtev.

09.04.2023 13:31


The battle for Bakhmut drags on, involving elite units on both sides

Ukrainian soldiers firing artillery against Bakhmut, in the Donetsk region (AP / LIBKOS, File)

The battle for Bakhmut, the longest of the war, keeps the Ukrainian and Russian forces locked, whose best troops fiercely dispute every inch of ground.

Ukraine controls the situation in Bakhmut, but it remains "difficult" given the numerical superiority of the Russian troops, the spokesman for the eastern command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Serhiy Cherevaty, acknowledged this weekend.

According to the source, all decisions are made not to allow the Russians to break through the Ukrainian defenses and to save the lives of the soldiers.

Cherevaty added that the enemy has decided to transfer some of its elite units to the city due to the high number of casualties suffered by its forces, which until now have mainly been made up of fighters from the private military company Wagner.

Simultaneously, the Western press wrote about the presence of elite Ukrainian soldiers in Bakhmut. In this way, both sides raise the stakes in the strategic city, where the fighting has not ceased for months.

09.04.2023 12:40

12:40 p.m.

Hungary will tighten control over grain imports from Ukraine.

Hungary will introduce new measures to curb grain volumes coming from Ukraine, including tariffs and limits on imports of grain and oilseeds from Ukraine, Agriculture Minister Istvan Nagy said on April 9.

This was reported by the Kyiv Independant site.

09.04.2023 11:27


Russia attacks Chernihiv Oblast in northern Ukraine

As reported by The Kyiv Independent newspaper, the attack was aimed at destroying civilian infrastructure in the village of Hremiach.

According to the part of the Ukrainian army cited by said media, no victims have yet been found.

09.04.2023 10:06


Zelenski, after his trip to Poland: "It is another step to victory"

09.04.2023 08:47


Ukraine celebrates Easter, with thoughts on the front lines

Ukrainians begin their Easter celebrations, a week after Roman Catholics, with the holiday around Orthodox Palm Sunday, though their thoughts turn to supporting family, friends and soldiers fighting on the front lines.

In the Ukraine, the willow tree symbolizes the palm fronds used to greet Jesus Christ upon his arrival in Jerusalem.

It is one of the plants that sprouts first after winter, when the relatively warm days of early spring still alternate with occasional snowfalls.

Various military analysts, as well as Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, consider that it is likely to start in the next two months, when the weather is more favorable and once the "assault pincer" of the Ukrainian troops is ready.

09.04.2023 08:22


Moscow considers reaction to sending nuclear weapons to Belarus hysterical

The Kremlin spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, described this Sunday as "hysterical" the reaction of Western countries to Russian plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus.

"The collective West does not seem willing to agree in any way on the issue of US nuclear weapons, stationed here in Europe, around our country, but opt ​​for a hysterical reaction to our plans to build silos for the storage of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarusian territory," he said in an interview.

The spokesman for the Russian Presidency had admitted earlier this week that the intention to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus is a response to NATO enlargement.

"The Alliance is expanding towards the Russian border, it is not Russia that is approaching NATO," Peskov said, commenting on Finland's entry into the bloc.

09.04.2023 03:31


A Ukrainian tractor was destroyed after the explosion of an anti-tank mine

The MTZ-80 tractor suffered severe damage while crossing a field in the kyiv region.

An MTZ-80 tractor that was crossing a field in the kyiv region crashed into an anti-tank mine and exploded.

Its driver suffered injuries and had to be rescued by rescuers from the city's 21st State Fire and Rescue Unit.

As officially reported, in the villages of Rusanivka and Svitilnya, where this incident took place, there was a pyrotechnic group from Ukraine with the aim of disarming another six mines.

09.04.2023 02:42


Two killed in a Russian bombardment of Zaporizhia

A 50-year-old man and his 11-year-old daughter were killed in a shelling of Zaporizhia. Photo State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine reported that Russian troops carried out a shelling raid on the city of Zaporizhia, which killed a 50-year-old man and his 11-year-old daughter.

According to the agency, the victim's 46-year-old mother was rescued from the rubble, while the eldest daughter was saved because she was visiting elsewhere.

The building in which they lived was partially destroyed after suffering a fire, which spread to an area of ​​100 square meters.

Neighboring houses were also affected.

08.04.2023 23:11


Ukrainian relief organization brings 31 children back from Russia

A Ukrainian relief organization brought back 31 children from Russia, where they were taken during the war.

Mykola Kuleba, executive director of the Save Ukraine organization and also the presidential commissioner for children's rights, told a news conference in Kiev that the children were expected to arrive in the Ukrainian capital during the day.

Deportations of Ukrainian children have been a concern since the Russian invasion of Ukraine that began on February 24, 2022.

08.04.2023 22:08


The United States opened an investigation into the leak of secret documents on Ukraine

The Department of Justice of the United States reported that it launched an investigation into a series of leaked documents, many of them related to Ukraine, and that have been disseminated on the Internet.

The leak appears to include secret intelligence reports and assessments that not only concern Ukraine and Russia, but also very sensitive analysis on US allies.

"We have been in communication with the Defense Department regarding this matter and have launched an investigation," a Justice Department spokesman told AFP.

The Pentagon stated Friday that it was "actively reviewing the matter" and had referred this case to the Justice Department.

08.04.2023 21:50

9:50 p.m.

Russia bombed four communities in Sumy Oblast

During the last day, Russia carried out seven bombardments on the border communities of Bilopil, Khotinskaya, Velikopisarivskaya and Miropilskaya, located in the Sumy Oblast.

As officially specified, a total of 79 rounds of various types of weapons were registered.

“According to the military, the operational situation on the border of the Sumy region is currently under control.

The formation of enemy offensive groups near the state border has not been detected," the local government officially reported.

08.04.2023 18:25


Two dead and one wounded by Russian shelling in Kharcov

Two men were killed and a woman wounded by Russian shelling in villages near Kupiansk in northeast Kharkov Oblast, regional governor Oleh Syniehubov said Saturday. 

04.08.2023 17:58


They show how the United States spied on Russia and leaked information to Ukraine

Classified Pentagon documents leaked on social media show how much the US violated Russian intelligence services and their ability to warn Ukraine about Moscow's plans and the strength of its war machine, The New York Times reveals Saturday.

The documents, from the end of February and the beginning of March, but found on social networks in recent days, talk about a Russian army exhausted in the war they waged a year ago against Ukraine and a military apparatus that is deeply compromised.

08.04.2023 14:54

2:54 p.m.

Chechen leader downplays Ukrainian counteroffensive

La inminente contraofensiva ucraniana es por estos días uno de los temas más populares en los buscadores rusos, y varios funcionarios rusos de diversos niveles le han restado importancia.

El líder de Chechenia, Ramzán Kadírov, comentó en este sentido que la contraofensiva de Ucrania solo beneficiará a Rusia porque permitirá a sus tropas hacerse con "más trofeos" occidentales.

"Será la guinda en el pastel. Trofeos en forma de armamento occidental y montones de prisioneros que a la cámara dirán, como siempre, que son cocineros o electricistas", escribió Kadírov en sus redes sociales.

08.04.2023 14:17


Rusia avanza en Bajmut, donde Ucrania mantiene su resistencia

Las fuerzas rusas prosiguen su lento avance en la ciudad de Bajmut, donde tratan de cortar la última ruta de suministro de las tropas ucranianas, que no dan señales de retirada y ofrecen una férrea resistencia.

Según confirma el Estado Mayor ucraniano, en dirección a Bajmut hay combates feroces y las tropas rusas tratan de tomar bajo su control toda la urbe, donde las hostilidades no cesan desde hace meses.

"En el frente de Bajmut el enemigo continúa sus acciones ofensivas y trata de hacerse con el control total de la ciudad", indicó el parte castrense. Los rusos también priorizan los frentes de Limán, Avdíivka y Mariinka, agregó.

08.04.2023 13:33


Anuncian el regreso de 30 niños a Ucrania que habían sido deportados a Rusia

Más de 30 niños han sido devueltos a Ucrania y se reunieron con sus familias después de haber sido llevados de contrabando a Rusia, informó la organización ucraniana Save Ukraine.

"Los niños secuestrados por los rusos en las regiones de Jerson y Járkov se han reunido con sus familias tras varios meses de separación", publicó la organización en un tuit, y agregó que sostiene que los niños ya están a salvo "pero necesitan recuperación psicológica y física".

08.04.2023 12:52


Diario inglés reporta que Ucrania intentó recuperar Zaporiyia

El ejército ucraniano intentó en vano reconquistar en octubre pasado la central nuclear de Zaporiyia, según informa el periódico británico The Times.

08.04.2023 13:46


La central nuclear de Zaporiyia. Foto: Reuters/Alexander Ermochenko.

Kiev no había admitido oficialmente la operación, pero representantes de las fuerzas especiales ucranianas y de la inteligencia militar y de la Marina le contaron al periódico, bajo condición de anonimato, los detalles del intento.

Según el Times, en la noche del 19 de octubre, unos 600 militares ucranianos en 30 botes cargados con armas, incluidas ametralladoras de gran calibre, lanzagranadas MK-19 y armas antitanque, intentaron copar la margen izquierda del río Dnipro.

"Cuando empezamos a acercarnos, empezaron a bombardearnos directamente sobre el agua", dijo un oficial ucraniano. "Como resultado, solo un pequeño grupo de militares ucranianos logró llegar a la costa", hubo un tiroteo de tres horas con el ejército ruso en las afueras de Energodar, pero luego los soldados ucranianos "se vieron obligados a retirarse", completó el militar.

08.04.2023 12:14


Grupo Wagner agradece apoyo a bloguero asesinado

"Hoy me gustaría agradecer a Vladlen Tatarsky en mi nombre y en el de los luchadores del Grupo Wagner. Vladlen Tatarsky hizo mucho para que pudiéramos ir a la victoria y destruir al enemigo", afirmó en su cuenta de Telegram Yevgeniy Prigozhin, jefe de ese grupo irregular de milicianos, al recordar la muerte del bloguero y propagandista ruso.

"Le agradecemos por esto, siempre lo recordaremos. Es un soldado que se queda con nosotros, cuya voz vivirá para siempre y sólo dirá la verdad", añadió sobre Tatarsky, quien fue asesinado en un ataque en San Petersburgo el 2 de abril.

Prigozhin, fundador y director del Grupo Wagner, asistió este sábado al funeral del bloguero, una ceremonia que tuvo lugar en el cementerio moscovita de Troyekurovo.

08.04.2023 11:36


Kiev colocó más de 6.000 minas antitanque en la frontera con Bielorrusia

Foto Reuters.

El Ministerio de Defensa ucraniano informó hoy que colocaron más de 6.000 minas antitanque y siete kilómetros de trincheras para reforzar la línea defensiva del país en la frontera con Bielorrusia, aliado de Rusia.

"La expansión de las barreras en las zonas fronterizas con Bielorrusia sigue avanzando" con la instalación de campos de minas en zonas accesibles por tanques o rutas que "el enemigo pudiera emplear para adentrarse en el país", informó el comandante de las fuerzas conjuntas del Ejército ucraniano, Sergei Nayev, según recogió la agencia de noticias Europa Press.

Nayev agregó que los nuevos campos de minas colocados en la frontera se cuentan ya por "decenas", a un mes del anuncio de las operaciones para reforzar la frontera.

"Solo la semana pasada fueron activadas 6.000 minas antitanque. Nuestros militares trabajan contrarreloj, a pesar del tiempo", agregó el jefe militar en un comunicado publicado en la página de Facebook del Ministerio de Defensa.

08.04.2023 10:54


Ucrania: 1.200 misiles y drones contra estructuras energéticas

Las fuerzas rusas han bombardeado instalaciones energéticas vitales para Ucrania con más de 1.200 misiles y drones desde el comienzo de la invasión del país, informó la compañía eléctrica nacional, Ukrenergo, en Telegram.

"Ninguno de los sistemas energéticos de Europa ha sufrido jamás un intento de destrucción a gran escala: los rusos han disparado más de 1.200 misiles y drones contra instalaciones energéticas clave", acotó la compañía.

​"Desafortunadamente -añadió-, más de 250 de ellos dieron en el blanco, el 43% de las redes resultó dañada Todas las plantas térmicas e hidroeléctricas fueron bombardeadas y sufrieron daños de diversa magnitud".

08.04.2023 09:47


Kiev dice que hay "naves rusas con misiles Kalibr en Mar Negro"

Actualmente hay siete barcos rusos en servicio de combate en el Mar Negro, incluido uno armado con hasta cuatro misiles Kalibr, según informó la Armada de las Fuerzas Ucrania en Facebook. 

"A las 10:00 del 8 de abril: siete buques de guerra enemigos estaban en servicio de combate en el Mar Negro, incluido un portamisiles de crucero Kalibr, con una salva total de hasta 4 misiles", se lee en el informe.

​Además, se señala a un buque de guerra ruso en el Mar de Azov y hasta siete buques de guerra, incluidos tres portamisiles de crucero Kalibr, con una salva total de hasta 20 misiles, en el Mar Mediterráneo.

08.04.2023 09:32


"Que Lula le ceda Río de Janeiro a Rusia", la ironía de un historiador

Las palabras del presidente Lula Da Silva, que le recomendó a Ucrania ceder Crimea a Rusia para detener la guerra, siguen dando que hablar y hasta despiertan irónicas respuestas.

Una de ellas la hizo, en tono jocoso, el historiador Ian Garner, especialista en propaganda de guerra rusa. "Estoy llamando al presidente de Brasil Lula a ceder Rio a Rusia para terminar la guerra de Ucrania", lanzó. 

08.04.2023 09:07


Despiden con honores militares al bloguero Tatarski, asesinado en un atentado

El masivo funeral del bloguero pro-ruso en Moscú. Foto Reuters.

El cotejo fúnebre del bloguero ruso. Foto Reuters

Centenares de moscovitas se acercaron este sábado al cementerio de Troyekurovo de la capital rusa para dar el último adiós al bloguero militar Vladlén Tatarski, asesinado en un atentado con bomba el pasado día 2, y que fue despedido con honores militares.

Según imágenes difundidas en redes sociales, durante el funeral de Tatarski el féretro del conocido bloguero fue cusodiado por una guardia de honor de cinco militares.

Una vez que los restos de Tatarski fueron enterrados mientras una orquesta militar tocaba música patriótica, se dispararon salvas en su honor.

Cerca del ataúd fueron colocadas sus condecoraciones recibidas a título póstumo de las autoridades y la compañía militar provada Wagner.

El jefe del Grupo Wagner, Yevgueni Prigozhin, también asistió a los funerales, pero lo hizo antes de la llegada del público, según varios medios rusos.

El fundador del grupo mercenario Wagner, en el funeral. Foto Reuters.

También acudió a la ceremonia de despedida de Tatarski el líder del Partid Liberal Democrático de Rusia, Leonid Slutski.

08.04.2023 08:42


EE.UU. indaga si se filtraron documentos de guerra en Ucrania

El Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos ha lanzado una investigación en torno a la posible difusión de documentos del Pentágono que fueron publicados en varias redes sociales y que parecen detallar la ayuda que la nación norteamericana y la OTAN brindan a Ucrania, pero que pueden haber sido alterados o utilizados como parte de una campaña de desinformación.

Los documentos, que se publicaron en sitios como Twitter, están etiquetados como secretos y se asemejan a las actualizaciones rutinarias que el Estado Mayor Conjunto del ejército de Estados Unidos produciría diariamente pero no distribuiría públicamente.

​Están fechados entre el 23 de febrero y el 1 de marzo, y proporcionan lo que parecen ser detalles sobre el progreso de las armas y equipos que van a Ucrania, con plazos y cantidades más precisos que los que Washington suele proporcionar públicamente.

08.04.2023 07:42


Rusia informa del derribo de un misil ucraniano sobre Crimea

Las fuerzas antiaéreas rusas han derribado un misil sobre Feodosia, en Crimea, informó este sábado el gobernador de la anexionada península, Serguéi Aksionov.

"Sobre Feodosia ha sido derribado un misil lanzado desde Ucrania", escribió el funcionario prorruso en Telegram, sin ofrecer más detalles sobre el incidente.

El asesor de Aksionov, Oleg Kriuchkov, informó por su parte de los restos del proyectil cayeron en una localidad sin causar heridos y daños materiales.

El presidente ucraniano, Volodímir Zelenski, aseguró ayer en su habitual discurso nocturno que el orden volverá a las relaciones internacionales "solo cuando la bandera ucraniana regrese a Crimea" y haya libertad allí.EFE

08.04.2023 07:00


Dmitri Medvédev dice que la Ucrania actual no interesa a nadie en el planeta

El vicepresidente del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia, Dmitri Medvédev, aseguró este sábado que el actual Estado ucraniano no interesa a nadie en Rusia, Europa, EEUU, América Latina, Asia y África, por lo que sus días están contados.

Según el expresidente ruso (2008-2012) el vecino país se ha convertido en un "malentendido" nacido tras el colapso de la Unión Soviética.

"Millones de nuestros compatriotas viven aquí y durante años son acosados por el régimen nazi de Kiev", opinó Medvédev en un mensaje en la red social VKontakte.

Agregó que precisamente a esos ciudadanos busca proteger la operación militar iniciada en febrero de 2022.

En cuanto a los propios ucranianos, según Medvédev, poco más de 20 de los 45 millones de personas aún permanecen en el país, y "se ven obligados a vivir con constante ansiedad y miedo".

"No one on the planet needs such a Ukraine. That is why it will not exist," he concluded. 

look also

Conflict escalates: China staged attacks on key targets in Taiwan and its surrounding waters

Lula da Silva seeks space on the world scene and travels to China with a peace proposal for Ukraine