The Limited Times

The Government of Buenos Aires answers Mauricio Macri and confirms that it will advance to separate the elections in the City

4/9/2023, 6:52:34 PM

The fight grows over Rodríguez Larreta's decision to vote on the same days but in separate ballot boxes for President and head of Government. The mayor will argue that it is his power and that he will benefit the PRO. Rejection of Bullrich and Vidal.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta's decision to move forward with concurrent elections, that is, with a system for national positions and another for Buenos Aires, even if they take place on the same day, generated the rejection of a large part of the PRO

and opened a strong discussion

in that space. .

The first who came out to confirm his resistance was Mauricio Macri.

The dispute between the former president and the head of government was exposed.

Rodríguez Larreta has not made it official yet -

he will do it this week

, it will have until Thursday - but he has already defined that on the one hand the national positions will be voted on -president and deputies- and on the other, with a single ballot, the Buenos Aires: mayor, legislators and community members.

In this way, Martín Lousteau, aspiring to succeed him, will compete on

"equal terms"

with Jorge Macri, as the radical senator demanded, without sharing the offer with the presidential candidates.

Without a candidate from the UCR who surpasses him in voting intentions in the district, the former Minister of Economy would be at a disadvantage with the mayor -with license- of Vicente López.



had advanced , the founder of the PRO gave that system a thumbs down, arguing that it had never been implemented in the City and that there was little time left.

“I don't think Horacio does that.

It would be first to go against the neighbors because it is more state spending, more voting time, two ballots.

They even say that there are people who should vote in different schools,” he ratified this Sunday on Rivadavia radio.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Martín Lousteau, at the Usina del Arte.

“I think that

if politics thinks that by changing electoral rules the porteños are going to choose in a certain sense, it is not knowing the porteños.

My dear Buenos Aires are autonomous and independent and they choose who they want", continued Macri with his opposite look at the competition, and in one sentence he reflected the challenge that the officialization of the measure will imply: "For all this I do not think that Horacio will take that decision,

it would be against everything we have worked for in these years


From the Buenos Aires administration they have already prepared the arguments to advance with the separation of the national and City categories.

Rodríguez Larreta will justify that it is a power of the head of government.

In this way, in turn, it will give a

"show of authority and autonomy"

in the face of the dispute over the presidential candidacy of space.

The mayor will also refer to the Electoral Code approved by the Legislature in 2018, which establishes the single ballot for the district:

"It is a flag of the people and of Together for Change

. "

As a third point, he will say that he promotes the debate on local issues and finally that he will avoid the "drag" of Javier Milei to his candidate for head of government and to the list of Buenos Aires legislators.

Patricia Bullrich and Jorge Macri, in an act in the City last year.

“They don't realize that the sheet ballot

can cause the majority to be lost and make the City that they believe they have deed ungovernable.

Contrary to the argument that they want to benefit Lousteau that they are trying to install, what they are looking for is to take care of the PRO vote ”, they countered at the Uspallata street headquarters.

The majority of the PRO disagrees.

It is not necessary to change electoral rules the same year and it is not necessary to do it due to speculation on the part of one party thinking that something is going to change, complicating people's lives.

It is not necessary to make any kind of changes, ”Macri insisted with his rejection, and he said that until this Sunday Rodríguez Larreta had not consulted him.

“Horacio did not call me to ask me what I thought about this.

Yes, he asked me to meet with Lousteau and I explained to him that it seemed good to me to look for all the possible mechanisms so that he could compete but without affecting the porteños.

It seems to me that this is the limit

, ”warned the former president.

Macri remarked that "the majority of the PRO" will not endorse the competition.

Both Patricia Bullrich and María Eugenia Vidal had emphatically rejected this scheme.

“We have said that changing the system in an election year is the most undemocratic.

And are we going to do what we said in all the provinces that shouldn't be done?

”, the head of the party had said in LN+.

It would be very contradictory against our way of thinking.

Why is there no equality of competition?

The equality of competition is that anyone can appear ”, Bullrich pointed out in turn against Lousteau's request so as not to be harmed in the Buenos Aires dispute.

“It is another discussion away from the people.

I don't think the rules need to be changed in an election year, because that doesn't make us credible.

I think that is wrong in politics

, ”Vidal also expressed strong resistance.

“It is not necessary to force electoral rules that imply more expenses.

In the midst of the pain and difficulties of the people, there is no room for that discussion.

Buenos Aires, when they want to elect someone, they go and choose them beyond the system or how they vote," said the former Buenos Aires governor, with concepts similar to those of Macri.

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Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, about to make the decision that most exasperates Mauricio Macri

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