The Limited Times

“An exercise in jargon as I have rarely seen”: Samuel Étienne returns to the arrival of Jean Castex on his Twitch channel

4/10/2023, 6:23:19 PM

The journalist has been on the streaming platform since 2020. The goal? Interest the younger generation in politics. Exercise missed during the visit of the former Prime Minister.

Samuel Etienne launched himself on the Twitch platform with the aim of informing and above all of interesting young people in politics.

The man who is both presenter of the morning show of France Info and streamer on Twitch presents a daily press review entitled

“The morning is yours”


A pun that he considers "slammed on the ground" in front of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine who receives him in "C à vous" this Monday, April 10.

"I've learned a lot of new words since I've been a streamer

," admits the fifty-year-old.

To discover

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    for season 4

To read also “What contempt!”

: Capucine Anav annoyed by a criticism of Samuel Étienne

He also explains why he decided to launch on this platform, initially reserved for "gamers" so that they can react live to video games.

“I discovered the platform by accident.

You know, the first confinement we all did a little strange things, we had time.

I observed it from the inside [...] and after nine months - because I'm not a fast person - I wondered if this tool of incredible interactivity and freedom could not be made something else

,” he says.

Since then, many topics have been discussed such as pension reform, the presidential elections, but the journalist has also received political guests, including Jean Castex, on March 14, 2021, then Prime Minister of the Government.

“Jean Castex was badly briefed”

However, this edition is far from having won unanimous support from internet users.

The columnist Pierre Lescure returns to this event but also to the surprise felt by some of the regulars.

"It didn't go very well.

Before we had received François Hollande, former president therefore more in responsibility.

True freedom of speech.

And then Jean Castex comes to the house and there I distinguish the man – in my opinion who is very likeable – from the Prime Minister.

It gives me, sorry, but a magnificent exercise in jargon as I have rarely seen.

And yet, I had already interviewed a lot of politicians, I am no longer very young


“The problem is that Jean Castex has been poorly briefed on the specificity of this platform and he starts this stream by saying that he is there because he thinks that the young people who are going to watch us have not seen his conferences. Press.

And then I say to myself “oh no, that’s not it”.

In the end, the prime minister at the time, who had to score points with a very specific target, only reinforced the preconceived ideas that these same people had about him.

“The young generation we are talking about mistrusts and distrusts politics precisely because it is tired of what is commonly called the language of wood.

And Jean Castex that evening engaged in this exercise, in the midst of a health crisis.

It's a shame because he missed out on the

, concludes the journalist.