The Limited Times

'Miguelito', the 14-year-old boy who is pointed out for the crime in Soldati

4/10/2023, 6:40:52 PM

Lurdes Avendaño Rejas (35) died after being shot in the back when he ran to avoid being robbed. A coffee that ended in tragedy: Lurdes Avendaño Rejas (35) was at the bus stop returning home when they killed her from behind to steal her wallet. She had gone out with her aunt and was returning to the Los Piletones neighborhood, in Villa Soldati. The neighbors point to "Miguelito", a 14-year-old boy, for the crime, and this Monday they will ask for "more presence of the State" and "more securi

A coffee that ended in tragedy: Lurdes Avendaño Rejas (35) was at the bus stop returning home when they killed her from behind to steal her wallet.

She had gone out with her aunt and was returning to the Los Piletones neighborhood, in Villa Soldati.

The neighbors point to "Miguelito", a 14-year-old boy, for the crime, and this Monday they will ask for "more presence of the State" and "more security."

Lurdes was known in the neighborhood.

She grew up in the Nuestra Señora de Fátima school, where her father, Urbano Avendaño (58), has been the landlord for decades.

Witnesses will say that the woman wanted to resist.

That she was barely three blocks from her house after having coffee with her aunt.

They wanted to snatch her purse and she ran, they declared.

It was in that escape that - they speculate - he was shot in the back, in the vicinity of the Fátima neighborhood (formerly Villa 3).

"Miguelito" (right), along with one of his accomplices, "Nikito", in Villa Soldati, and the stolen cell phones.

It was a single shot from a .38 caliber weapon, according to the first tests.

The woman, a Bolivian national, was lying in Mariano Acosta at 2900, just where this Monday at 6:00 p.m. the neighbors gathered to demand justice.

"Today we are accompanying the family to the wake and this afternoon we are going to meet in Mariano Acosta y Cruz with the neighbors. The idea is to cut the Premetro tracks. We need justice for Lurdes, but also to ask for the safety of the neighborhood that has been demanding solutions a long time ago," said a neighbor who did not want to give his name because he is afraid.

"From the educational communities of the neighborhood we understand that this has to do with

the abandonment of the neighborhood

and the structural problems that we have, such as access to work and housing, drugs, and a lot of situations that make violence take over the neighborhood," he insisted.

"They killed her with fire," Urbano, the victim's father, told



"It is a product of the situation that is experienced daily," he lamented.

The call for the march to demand justice for the crime of Lurdes Avendaño Rejas (35) in Villa Soldati.

The investigation

The case is in the hands of the Criminal and Correctional Prosecutor's Office No. 6, of Eduardo Cubría, who is investigating it as a "

homicide on the occasion of robbery

" although he requested that protocols corresponding to femicide be worked with.

In Facebook groups in the neighborhood and, according to police sources consulted by


, for the fact they point to a teenager of just 14 years old who, one day before the crime, had returned to the neighborhood after spending two weeks in a juvenile institution.

The boy, who is nicknamed "Miguelito", boasts on social networks by uploading photos with weapons.

He would attack in a group and always armed.

They link him to another homicide when he was just 12 years old.

As this newspaper was able to learn, the adolescent is the son of a woman linked to drug dealing, with a cause for the sale of narcotics.

He is currently serving his sentence at his home monitored with an electronic anklet.

They also accuse his grandmother of being an accomplice of the gang.

"They handle the H and I tickets. They always have problems with the others because they dispute the territories.

This boy already killed a Peruvian when he was 12 years old

. On March 5 an Uber was robbed and on Friday he escaped from the juvenile institution Inchausti," the sources said.


It can't be like this, the kid tracks at any time and there are just children who leave school and alone because there are parents who work and can't. We are also exposed ourselves, crazy. To go out to work to have a little more to get ahead, these hdp take your life

, "published a neighbor in a neighborhood buying and selling group, along with a photo of the teenager with two weapons in his hand.


In this area of ​​Villa Soldati they no longer have a police station within the neighborhood.

According to the neighbors, they moved it to Villa Lugano.

In addition, since the Sentinel Operation in 2013, the National Gendarmerie was installed in the region.

Political disputes and a lack of personnel led to an irregular situation when reporting.

"They pass the ball around. The Gendarmerie intervenes when there is a serious conflict, but if you go to complain to the Police, they accuse them and vice versa. It is always the same," the neighbors question.


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