The Limited Times

Moby Prince, Livorno remembers the tragedy 32 years later

4/10/2023, 6:05:13 PM

The mayor: "Push for the truth to be made clear" (ANSA) 'Not to forget' is the title of the day of celebrations held today in Livorno for the 32nd anniversary of the Moby Prince tragedy, the greatest disaster of the Italian civil navy which took place a few hundred meters from the coast of the city and in which there were 140 dead, only one survivor, no culprits. The ceremonies were kicked off by the placing of a wreath at the monument in memory of the

'Not to forget' is the title of the day of celebrations held today in Livorno for the 32nd anniversary of the Moby Prince tragedy, the greatest disaster of the Italian civil navy which took place a few hundred meters from the coast of the city and in which there were 140 dead, only one survivor, no culprits.

The ceremonies were kicked off by the placing of a wreath at the monument in memory of the victims, then the religious function in the cathedral and, at 2.30 pm, the appointment at the Civic Palace with the greetings of the mayor Luca Salvetti to the authorities and the families of the victims.

"Every April 10th we renew a pact, we do it with ourselves and with everyone that we have known in one way or another in these 32 years, and with whom we have shared emotions, pain, hope and anger - said Salvetti - The clear, unwritten, but indelible pact in our hearts and minds is to continue to remember the death of 140 people, to push for the truth to be made clear and consequently justice can give an answer".

In the afternoon, the procession that from Piazza del Municipio reached the Andana degli Anelli, at the Medici port, for the deposition of the president of the Republic's pillow of roses and the laurel wreath.

After reading the names of the 140 victims, roses were thrown into the sea as has been the case for more than 30 years now.