The Limited Times

Shakira asks the media not to harass her children: "I trust that they can behave in the most humane way possible"

4/10/2023, 6:29:03 PM

The singer has just moved to Miami with Milan and Sasha, who will finish the school year in the city of Florida, after the artist reached a custody agreement with her ex-partner, Gerard Piqué

"Dear friends, journalists and the media", begins the message that Shakira has published on her social networks this Monday, April 10.

A letter that the Colombian singer has launched with a single objective: to ask for privacy for her two children now that the three of them are starting a new life after more than a decade living in Barcelona, ​​the city where Milan and Sasha were born, the result of their relationship with Gerard Piqué.

“At this time of changes in my life as a public figure, it is understandable that there is a permanent curiosity on the part of the press around me and my family.

However, my children, Milan and Sasha, have had a very difficult year, enduring relentless siege and relentless persecution by

paparazzi .

and various media in Barcelona.

Now that they are starting a new stage in their lives, I strongly ask the media on behalf of my children to please respect their right to privacy, ”the artist's message continues.

"I beg you to refrain from following them to the exit or entrance of the school, waiting for them at the door of our house, or chasing them to their extracurricular and recreational activities, as has happened every day in Barcelona in order to obtain photographic captures or better ratings


”, Shakira continues.

A publication that says she writes not as an artist, but as a mother who wants to protect her children, and in which she asks journalists and photographers to "be sensitive" and behave "in the most humane way possible, taking into account that it is about the health and physical and emotional integrity of two minors aged 8 and 10 who only want to be able to go out, and attend school feeling safe and having the peace of mind of not being persecuted or subjected to the constant scrutiny of the cameras".

"Thank you for your understanding and support," ends the message.

More information

Celebrities who have exploded against the paparazzi for the privacy of their children: the last one, Shakira

According to the Efe agency, local media indicate that Shakira has settled in Miami Beach, the tourist and beach area par excellence of the South Florida city, although they clarify that it may be a temporary location before moving to Indian Creek, a island where billionaires and celebrities from all over the world live.

The singer, according to some publications, may have spent a brief vacation with her children in the Turks and Caicos Islands, north of the Dominican Republic, before they join their new school in Miami tomorrow, Tuesday, hence the reason for your request today.

Ten months after the announcement of the separation of the former Barça soccer player and the artist after 12 years of relationship, and two successes after Shakira (



Session 53

with Bizarrap with clear references to her ex-partner), last week the singer left the Catalan capital to start a new life on the other side of the Atlantic.

A move that took place after she was given the green light so that both children could resume classes in Miami after the Easter holidays.

And also after Shakira confirmed that her father could be operated on in the American city.

"I settled in Barcelona to give my children stability, the same that we are now looking for in another corner of the world, next to family, friends and the sea," he said then as a farewell to what has been his home and the place birth of their two children.

Her transfer to Miami has been possible after a month-long negotiation with her ex-partner that ended with an agreement between both parties.

Last November, her lawyers announced that the artist would keep custody of the children, and that Piqué had given in to the artist's request to remove the children from Barcelona and Spain so that they could lead a better life. peaceful.

As the lawyers of both parties then recognized to EL PAÍS, both always looked out for the interest and the greater safety and protection of the boys and avoided reaching a trial that everything indicated was going to end up in the media.

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This is not the first time that the artist has spoken publicly about the media pressure to which her children have been subjected after the announcement of her separation on June 4, 2022. She did so in an interview with Elle magazine


month September, the first time he spoke about his break with Gerard Piqué.

“There is no place where I can hide from photographers with my children, except in my own house.

We cannot take a walk in the park like a normal family or go to have an ice cream or do any activity without being followed”, the singer complained about the harassment of the

paparazzi .


“I have tried to hide the situation in front of them;

I try to protect them, because that is my priority in life.

But then, at school, they hear things from their friends or they come across unpleasant news on the internet, and it just affects them, you know? ”, She added in the interview.

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Last January, in addition, the singer issued a letter through her communication office in which she was upset by the appearance of her eldest son, Milan, born in January 2013, at a Twitch event, organized by his ex-partner with the


Ibai Llanos.

A public act of which she had not been informed or given her consent.

While they were a couple, there were few occasions when the children accompanied their parents to red carpets and public events.

But the two have shared images of the little ones on their respective Instagram profiles, where Shakira accumulates 85.6 million followers and Piqué, 22.7 million.