The Limited Times

The emeritus king returns to Sanxenxo next week to prepare a sailing championship

4/10/2023, 3:58:55 PM

Juan Carlos I will visit the Galician town from April 19 to 23 and plans to avoid his presence in a series of the Spanish Cup 6mR in the electoral period

Juan Carlos I has everything scheduled to return to Spain next week, between April 19 and 23, and participate in a series of training sessions in Sanxenxo (Pontevedra), to try to revalidate the 6mR class world championship that will be held at the end of August on the Isle of Wight, in England.

The trip, totally private and in which no stopover in Madrid is planned to visit his son, King Felipe VI, in La Zarzuela, will take place almost a year after the one he also made to Sanxenxo in May 2022 and which he collected as much media and citizen expectation as discomfort for its development in the Casa del Rey.

The emeritus monarch will travel to Vigo on Wednesday April 19 from London, where he will attend a bilateral lunch invited by King Carlos III on Tuesday the 18th. It has not yet been decided whether Juan Carlos I will take advantage of his stay in the British capital to witness live the second leg of the Champions League between Chelsea and Real Madrid, set for that day at 9:00 p.m., to which he has also been invited.

What is closed is his flight to Vigo on the 19th, his stay in Sanxenxo, specifically at the house of his boat's skipper and president of the local Royal Yacht Club, Pedro Campos, and his departure from the Galician estuaries on Sunday 23, at the end of the regattas.

The emeritus king has not scheduled any stopover in Madrid either on the way there or on the way back to hold any meeting with his son, Felipe VI.

After his stay in Sanxenxo, however,

Neither the Royal House nor the Sanxenxo Yacht Club have confirmed this trip, nor the dates, nor its reasons or other details, after the newspaper El Mundo


this Monday that Juan Carlos I is preparing to travel to Spain this month after passing through London .

La Zarzuela alleges that these are private affairs of the former head of state, which is why he refuses to confirm or deny them, except at his express request, such as when he denied the rumors about his health problems.

The particular environment of the emeritus king, with businessmen who travel regularly to see him in Abu Dhabi, has confirmed that Juan Carlos I intends to go to Sanxenxo to take part with the rest of the Bribón crew,


6mR class ship with which he was world champion, of a preparatory series for the Spanish championship of that category.

The regatta will take place between Saturday 22 and Sunday 23. Juan Carlos I had already anticipated that he would like to be part of the 6mR class world championship that will take place this year at the end of August on the British Isle of Wight, to revalidate his title, and takes the next few days in Sanxenxo as training.

The entourage of the emeritus king reported all these steps to La Zarzuela in mid-March, and the same sources report that no problem was raised, but it was reported that it would be more appropriate for Juan Carlos I to arrive in Spain outside the electoral period. , as the appointment with the polls is already scheduled for May 28.

Therefore, it was decided to avoid this presence in that month or even in June.

The trip was thus closed for next week.

Last year, between May 20 and 22, Juan Carlos I already made a very similar trip to Sanxenxo, with the same task of participating in an InterRías trophy to prepare for the world championship of that class of sailing that was going to be held in those waters barely a month later, and it received such a level of social and media expectation that it ended up overflowing, something that was not liked at all in La Zarzuela.

At the next test he no longer moved.

In those days, a total of 260 representatives of the media, with up to 80 cameras from different audiovisual media, were accredited at the Club Náutico of that estuary of Pontevedra.

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