The Limited Times

The strong phrase from Horacio Rodríguez Larreta's environment against Patricia Bullrich: "It will not be Mauricio Macri's Alberto Fernández"

4/10/2023, 5:10:51 PM

The pre-presidential candidate held meetings with his team today before calling 'concurrent' elections in the City. Priority to Juntos por el Cambio over the PRO and awareness that the fight with Macri was going to break out sooner or later.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta hardly slept.

He landed at 6:40 in Ezeiza, coming from Madrid's Barajas airport, and went to a marathon of meetings, prior to the dissemination of a video on social networks, where he called for "concurrent" elections in the City of Buenos Aires. Aires.

Thus, the current head of government made public his decision to call Buenos Aires elections for August 13 (PASO) and October 22 (General Elections), plus a possible ballot in November.


the election for Head of Government will be on the same date as the election for President of the Nation


But the systems will be different: for President and national Deputies it will be with the traditional sheet ballot.


for Head of Government and Legislators with the BUE, a single electronic ticket.

According to Larretista's discourse, this is how to avoid voting everything with a sheet ballot (traditional method).

And that the porteños must go to the polls up to six times, as happened in 2015, where they voted in the PASO, the general elections and a ballot to define the president and the Head of Government.

Larreta arrived at the Buenos Aires headquarters of the Government Headquarters, located at Bolívar 1, a few meters from Plaza de Mayo, and led a marathon of meetings with his top collaborators: Chief of Staff Felipe Miguel;

Minister Soledad Acuña, the President of the Legislature Emmanuel Ferrario;

plus his advisers Fernando Straface, and Julia Pomares.


one of the collaborators who joined the meetings with Larreta, stated: "It will not be Mauricio Macri's Alberto Fernández"


This statement is in relation to Patricia Bullrich, who is expected in the environment of the head of government, Macri will bless in the coming days as his presidential candidate.

He remains to know what attitude she will take with María Eugenia Vidal

, whom Macri praises and whom he referred to this Monday, when he retweeted the criticism of the former Buenos Aires governor of Larreta's call for elections with electronic ballot for the City.

Several of Larreta's advisers had been pointing out that Macri's support for Patricia Bullrich should be compared to when Cristina Kirchner nominated Alberto Fernández as presidential candidate.

"I am not Alberto de Mauricio", she came to release at some point


But this time, after the final distance with Macri, the phrase gained force in the Larretista bunker.

IN Bolívar 1 - as in the Buenos Aires offices on Uspallata street, in Parque Patricios, there was enthusiasm with which Larreta defined herself to give a "show of character" before the former President of Cambiemos


"It is a gesture of authority and autonomy from Horacio. In addition, consolidating Together for Change was prioritized rather than blocking ourselves in the PRO in order to really transform the country,"

says one of the men who had to get up early this Monday to visit Larreta.

In that camp, they know that talking about an "agreement with radicalism" is relative since Gerardo Morales and Martín Lousteau cannot unite the entire UCR, beyond the weight that the party headline and the Buenos Aires senator have in that centennial force.

"The law protects us in the decision made," say Larreta's legal advisers, referring to the call for separate elections between the national and the Buenos Aires, the latter with an electronic ballot.

What's more: lawyers close to the current head of government expected to receive news this week from the Buenos Aires Justice, indicating that elections should have been called with a Single Ballot, The influence of the radical lawyer Daniel Angelici (today one of Lousteau's stokers for the fight

to being Head of Government) is a key to always evaluate in what refers to the judicial sphere of Buenos Aires.

In addition, among the larretistas, they do not adhere to the idea that, with this decision that upset Macri and Bullrich, HRL will be left without adherents of the PRO: "The Pro of the City, several former PRO Ministers of MM, referents of the PRO of several provinces, are aware that there are institutional roles to fulfill and that they cannot be submitted to interconsultation when you are a district leader like Horacio in the City", affirms a Buenos Aires minister.

Finally, all the officials close to Larreta know that the fight for Macri's position in the Buenos Aires fight as in the national fight was going to happen sooner or later: "Something came forward that was going to happen naturally," accepted a bullrichista deputy, in a rare coincidence to find between the internal sides of the PRO.

look also

Despite strong internal resistance, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta confirmed that he is splitting the Buenos Aires elections

"What a deep disappointment", Mauricio Macri's harsh response after Horacio Rodríguez Larreta's announcement

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