The Limited Times

They challenge before the Supreme Court the candidacy of Sergio Uñac in San Juan and ask to suspend the elections for governor

4/10/2023, 7:47:04 PM

The provincial opposition appealed to the highest national court to rule on a new application of the current president of San Juan.

San Juan will elect a governor on

May 14

and the provincial opposition is determined to go all-in to

stop Sergio Uñac's re-election attempt

, arguing that the San Juan constitution prevents a third consecutive nomination of the governor and vice president.

Uñac has been an uninterrupted member of the ruling pair of the province since 2011.

For this reason, after having exhausted all judicial instances in the Electoral Justice of San Juan with

four challenges that were dismissed

, the opposition appealed to the

Supreme Court of the Nation


requested a postponement of the elections

until it decides if Uñac is authorized to compete.


175 of the Constitution of San Juan

establishes that: "the governor and the lieutenant governor can be consecutively re-elected up to two times".

The leadership of Evolución Liberal, of the United Front for San Juan (a member of Together for Change), maintains that Uñac cannot compete in this election as a candidate for governor because he

is undergoing his third consecutive term.

The argument is that in the mandates of the current governor of Peronism, it is necessary to count not only the two that he leads the Executive, but also the one that he served as lieutenant governor during the period 2011-2015.

"There is no doubt that no person can run if they have already held any of the positions of governor or vice consecutively," said Sergio Vallejos, candidate for governor for Evolución Liberal.

The opposition challenged Uñac's candidacy in San Juan before the Court.

Vallejos first appealed to the Electoral Justice of San Juan but his claim was dismissed and this Monday he filed

a declaratory action of certainty and a precautionary measure

before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, which could lead to a

postponement of the election date.


The precautionary measure to stop Uñac's candidacy entered under the patronage of constitutional lawyer Christian Cao.

In the case in which judicial times did not allow the Court to rule before the elections, the plaintiff requested: "

The suspension of the call for the election of governor and lieutenant governor of the province of San Juan on May 14, 2023


San Juan.

They ask to challenge Uñac's candidacy.

The constitutionalist Christian Cao and the candidate for governor Sergio Vallejos

Vallejos called on the members of the highest national court to express themselves on the "

state of uncertainty

" caused by the new candidacy because, he maintains: "

Uñac has already served three times consecutively as governor and/or lieutenant governor


In the letter, the opposition leader asked the Supreme Court to declare that the current governor "

is disqualified from competing in the next elections


In the presentation, Vallejos affirms that when Uñac's candidacy became official, the constitutional principles that safeguard "the republican system of government in terms of periodicity, alternation, possibility of access to positions and limitation of power in any democratic society" are not complied with. .

And that Uñac's attempt to perpetuate himself in power beyond the legal limits: "Puts the republican guarantee in serious crisis", for which he asks the National Court for an abbreviated procedure given the proximity of the provincial



The precautionary measure is to suspend the call for the election of governor and lieutenant governor of the Province of San Juan scheduled for May 14, 2023, until a final pronouncement is issued on Uñac's candidacy.

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