The Limited Times

They torture and kill a gendarme in Corrientes: they investigate a horse racing mafia

4/10/2023, 4:46:56 PM

Sergeant Jorge Burquet (40) suffered very serious injuries to the abdomen after being stabbed. There is a detainee.

Jorge Orlando Burquet was from Formosa, but was living in Corrientes, where he served as a sergeant in the National Gendarmerie.

This Saturday they murdered him and they are investigating whether he was linked to horse racing and clandestine betting.

The 40-year-old victim was attacked on Saturday night in a farm on Venezuela street, near the Equestrian Club, in Alvear.

As he managed to tell his companions that they went to rescue him, they tied him up, tortured him and stabbed him in the abdomen, for which he suffered very serious injuries.

Gendarme Jorge Orlando Burquet (40), assassinated in Corrientes.

Burquet was taken to the Alvear hospital and then to Santo Tomé, where they could do nothing to save him.

The gendarme had been in the federal security force since 2013 and

was currently on leave for a "depression" condition


Prosecutor Facundo Cabral assured

Radio Dos

that "it is

a crime with mafia characteristics

, of a person who was approached in a stable that he rented, he had racehorses."

In addition, he specified that "three hooded men" captured him and that there is a detainee, whom the victim mentioned before he died, who had outstanding debts related to horse racing.

"He had a wound in the spleen, a stab wound and a shot in the hand," the judicial officer said about the gendarme.

The prosecutor specified that Burquet "rented that stable and had racehorses, it was very close to a field where races are run."

A witness to the attack by the hooded men said that they kidnapped the agent when he arrived in his car and took him captive.

In the proceedings, "firearm projectiles" and "shotguns" were seized, the prosecutor said, adding that one of those involved in the crime would be a Brazilian national.


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